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Iraq: Trade Unions Banned in the Electricity Sector 0


Post Views: 7 The ITUC strongly protest against the Ministerial Order, Issue 22 244, of the Iraqi Government. This Order clearly violates trade union rights. According to the information received by the ITUC, the Ministerial Order, issued by the Minister

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Wave of anti-union repression in Panama 0


Post Views: 6 The ITUC, together with its affiliated organisations in Panama, firmly condemns the violent repression of the strike movement by workers in the Bocas del Toro Province that has resulted in killings, more than 100 people injured and

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Kazakhstan: Migrant Tobacco Workers Cheated, Exploited 0


Post Views: 14  A Kyrgyz child whose family has travelled to work on a tobacco farm near the village of Dostyk, Kazakhstan.© 2009 Moises Saman for Human Rights Watch For Children in the Fields, Serious Health Risks and Schooling Lost(Almaty,

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Two More Trade Unionists Assassinated in Colombia 0


Post Views: 8 The trade union world is again in mourning after the assassination of two more trade unionists in Colombia. The ITUC, together with its Colombia affiliates the CUT, the CGT and the CTC, has roundly condemned the murders,

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Workers’ rights in Taiwan 0


Post Views: 3 5 July 2010: A new report by the ITUC on core labour standards in Taiwan (known at the WTO as “Chinese Taipei”), published to coincide with the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) review of its trade policies, finds

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Iran: ITUC and ITF Demand Government Fulfill Promise to Free Osanloo, and Insist on Release of 52 Others 0


Post Views: 5 The ITUC and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) have written to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad insisting that the authorities fulfill their promise to release imprisoned trade unionist Mansour Osanloo, and calling on them to free all

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The ITUC – representing workers in the globalised economy


Post Views: 26 ITUC General Secretary Guy Ryder today presented the theme report of the second ITUC World Congress “Now the People – From the Crisis to Global Justice”. Silence fell over the packed plenary room at the Vancouver Convention

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The Global Trade Union Alliance to Combat Forced Labour and Trafficking Launches New Report


Post Views: 6 A new ITUC publication released today details the extent of slavery and other forms of forced labour around the world, and sets out practical steps that trade unions can take to boost the global drive to help

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Union member? You are fired! 0


Post Views: 7 Three women workers have started their struggle in Çorlu/Tekirda? after being dismissed from their workplace, Ye?il Kundura, because – so the dismissal letter goes – of the economic crisis. The reality is different though: the women claim

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Informe Anual de la CSI: fueron 101 sindicalistas asesinados en el 2009


Post Views: 7 El Informe Anual de la CSI sobre los derechos sindicales documenta un impresionante incremento en el número de sindicalistas asesinados en 2009: 101 muertes – un 30% más que el año anterior. El Informe, publicado el día

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