Berivan Sayaca awarded price by CHAK


Post Views: 19 Anti Pogrom Human Rights Organization CHAK awarded the human rights prize to TMK (Anti-Terrorism Law) victim, little prisoner Berivan Sayaca.Fifteen years old Berivan Sayaca, who was arrested on 9 October and sentenced to 7 years and 8

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Kyrgyzstan: Decisive Action Needed to Rein in Violence


Post Views: 9 (Osh) – The government of Kyrgyzstan should take immediate measures to ensure safety for people attempting to flee unchecked violence in southern Kyrgyzstan, Human Rights Watch said today. Human Rights Watch reiterated its call for a UN-mandated

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Mexico: Armed Attack against Miners 0


Post Views: 14 The ITUC has firmly condemned the attack by 400 federal police officers at the Cananea and Pasta de Conchos mines.

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Children marched in Batman asking to put and end to child labour 0


Post Views: 6 Bambini da Batman ieri erano per le strade a non vendere i tessuti, lucidare le scarpe o che lavorano in modo non sicuro, ma per dire “stop al lavoro minorile”.

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Sit-in by families of imprisoned children to go on 0


Post Views: 10 Families of imprisoned children are in their seventh day of protest outside Diyarbak?r prison.Children are charged under the Anti-Terror Act (TMK).

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‘Justice for Children’ group announces new initiatives for the summer 0


Post Views: 6 Human rights group Justice for Children is organizing a series of initiatives under the slogan: “Children have no patience left for waiting! The Turkish government has to keep the promise that they gave to the children victimized

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Colombia: Another Trade Union Leader Assassinated


Post Views: 9 The ITUC, along with its Colombian affiliates, has firmly condemned the murder on 5 June of Hernán Abdiel Ordoñez Dorado, treasurer of the executive board of the prison workers’ union ASEINPEC in Cali. Ordoñez was in the

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Remunicipalización en el sector del agua: una ola imparable 0


Post Views: 9 Apuntes sobre el debate y la acción La remunicipalización de los servicios de agua es una tendencia en auge en todo el mundo. Los pasados 25 y 26 de noviembre se celebró en Barcelona un seminario de

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