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UN: Strengthen Civilian Protection in Darfur 0


Post Views: 31  A displaced Sudanese woman is seen at the Abu Shouk camp for internally displaced persons in Al Fasher, northern Darfur. © 2010 Reuters Related Materials: Democracy on Hold New Deaths, Other Abuses Underscore Need for Better Access, Improved

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India: Prosecute Rampant ‘Honor’ Killings 0


Post Views: 7 Amend and Enforce Laws to End Barbaric Practice (New York) – The Indian government should urgently investigate and prosecute those responsible for the recent spurt in reported “honor” killings, Human Rights Watch said today. The government should

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Classified documents reveal UK’s role in abuse of its own citizens 0


Post Views: 9 Former Guantanamo Bay detainees Omar Deghayes, Binyam Mohamed and Martin Mubanga. MI5 officers interviewed Omar Deghayes in Afghanistan Kabul for three hours on the evening of 3 July 2002. He commented that he was treated better by

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US: Ratify Women’s Rights Treaty 0


Post Views: 12 (New York) – The United States’ long delay in ratifying the global women’s rights treaty undermines fulfillment of the US commitment to women’s rights at home and abroad, Human Rights Watch said today. Former President Jimmy Carter

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North Korea’s crumbling health system in dire need of aid 0


Post Views: 7 The North Korean government still claims that its healthcare system is free for all – © BBC World Service Amputation and other major surgeries carried out without anaesthesia are just one indication of the dire state of

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Justice urged for Russian human rights defender’s murder 0


Post Views: 5 Natalia Estemirova was abducted and murdered in July 2009 – © Amnesty International One year after the murder of human rights defender Natalia Estemirova, Amnesty International has called on the Russian authorities to stop the harassment and

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Kyrgyzstan: Torture, Detentions Escalate Tensions 0


Post Views: 11 Marks on the body of 30-year-old Makhmud (not his real name), an ethnic Uzbek living in the city of Osh in southern Kyrgyzstan Makhmud told Human Rights Watch that police detained him and beat him with a

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Afghanistan: Talks Shouldn’t Ignore Taliban Abuse of Women 0


Post Views: 3 Twenty percent of the delegates at the Consultative Peace Jirga (assembly) in June 2010 were women, including parliamentarian Shinkai Karokhail (pictured), but many felt that they had limited opportunities to voice their concerns. © 2010 Leslie Knott

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Tunisia urged to end subversion of groups critical of the authorities 0


Post Views: 9 Ali Ben Salem, 78, has been continually harassed and intimidated by the Tunisian authorities © Amnesty International The Tunisian authorities should end their subversion of human rights organizations and dissenting groups by infiltrating them and provoking turmoil,

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Domestic violence increases at weekends


Post Views: 16 According to a report prepared by a subcommittee of the Parliamentary Commission on Equal Opportunity for Women and Men said women should receive shelter and help during the weekends, as they are exposed to domestic violence more

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