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The razor and the damage done: female genital mutilation in Kurdish Iraq


Post Views: 12 The old Kurdish midwife’s hands trembled alongside a bowl that she positions to catch dripping blood. She picked up a razor blade and sliced through a corner of paper, mimicking the ritual cut she has performed at

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UK: Terrorism Search Power Violates Rights 0


Post Views: 26 A flyer explains police stop and search powers under the Terrorism Act 2000. Source: Metropolitan Police Service Government Should Repeal Counterproductive and Arbitrary Law (London) – The new UK coalition government should repeal an abusive counterterrorism power

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Story of ordinary violence


Post Views: 7 This is the appalling story of Emine Gulmez who broke her silence after 18 years of solitude and fear.Emine Gulmez and her husband were taken into custody where she later saw seven death bodies, including her husband’s,

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Honduras failing to tackle coup rights abuses


Post Views: 7 Security forces widely misused tear gas and other crowd control equipment Amnesty International has accused the Honduran authorities of failing to address serious human rights violations that followed the coup d’etat of 28 June 2009, when ex-President

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Spain: Migrant Children at Risk 0


Post Views: 5 Abolish Emergency Regime for Unaccompanied Children in Canary Islands(Geneva) – The Canary Islands government’s decision to keep more than 250 unaccompanied migrant children in unregulated emergency shelters puts the children at risk and threatens their well-being, Human

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Stop female genital mutilation says Human Rights Watch


Post Views: 10 Human Rights Watch on Wednesday release a report about female genital cutting. The practice, says the report, is widespread in Iraq’s northern Kurdish region and authorities must develop a long-term plan to eradicate it. It is estimated

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Editor of Kurdish women magazine remains in jail


Post Views: 11 Bianet website today reported on the story of Gurbet Çakar, editorial manager of the Kurdish-Turkish women magazine Rengê Hevîya Jinê. The woman, writes Bianet, has been in detention for three months and a Diyarbak?r court decided to

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