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US: Confused, Alone, and in Legal Limbo 0


Post Views: 11 Personal belongings of undocumented immigrants being loaded into an ICE plane as part of the deportation process. © 2008 Michael Schennum·People With Disabilities Unlawfully Detained and Deported (New York) – People with mental disabilities, including US citizens,

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India: Press Burmese Leader on Human Rights 0


Post Views: 7 State Visit by Than Shwe Offers Opportunity to Reverse Failed Approach (New York) – India should emphasize respect for human rights during the state visit by Burma’s Senior General Than Shwe, Human Rights Watch said today. Economic

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Pakistan: End Collective Punishment in Swat 0


Post Views: 5  Forced Evictions, House Demolitions Undermine Fight Against Taliban (New York) – The Pakistani government should immediately investigate reports that security forces are carrying out collective punishment against relatives of suspected Taliban militants during operations in the Swat

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The Netherlands: Do Not Deport Somalis 0


Post Views: 8 (Amsterdam) – The Dutch government should immediately halt all plans to return Somalis to war-torn Somalia, Human Rights Watch said today. The Dutch authorities have announced their intention to deport, between now and October 2010, at least

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China: Witnesses Lift Veil on Abuses by Security Forces in Tibet


Post Views: 3 (New York) – Eyewitness accounts confirm that Chinese security forces used disproportionate force and acted with deliberate brutality during and after unprecedented Tibetan protests beginning on March 10, 2008, Human Rights Watch said in a new report

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Rwanda: Allow Independent Autopsy of Opposition Politician 0


Post Views: 4 Foreign Experts Should Investigate Circumstances of Murder (New York) – The government of Rwanda should allow independent foreign experts to carry out an autopsy on the body of André Kagwa Rwisereka, vice president of the opposition Democratic

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Cambodia: Sex Workers Face Unlawful Arrests and Detention 0


Post Views: 7 Cambodian sex workers stage a protest against a police crackdown on prostitution. Sex workers report that police physically and sexually abuse them in custody. © 2008 AP Photo (Phnom Penh) – The Cambodian government should act quickly

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UN: Strengthen Civilian Protection in Darfur 0


Post Views: 31  A displaced Sudanese woman is seen at the Abu Shouk camp for internally displaced persons in Al Fasher, northern Darfur. © 2010 Reuters Related Materials: Democracy on Hold New Deaths, Other Abuses Underscore Need for Better Access, Improved

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India: Prosecute Rampant ‘Honor’ Killings 0


Post Views: 7 Amend and Enforce Laws to End Barbaric Practice (New York) – The Indian government should urgently investigate and prosecute those responsible for the recent spurt in reported “honor” killings, Human Rights Watch said today. The government should

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Classified documents reveal UK’s role in abuse of its own citizens 0


Post Views: 9 Former Guantanamo Bay detainees Omar Deghayes, Binyam Mohamed and Martin Mubanga. MI5 officers interviewed Omar Deghayes in Afghanistan Kabul for three hours on the evening of 3 July 2002. He commented that he was treated better by

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