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Gaza: Revolution and change at the Rafah 0


Post Views: 8 The Palestinian security officer at the Rafah border was overly polite. He wore a black uniform and walked around self-assuredly, as he instructed weary travelers on their next moves before being allowed back into Gaza. On the

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General Amidror’s Gift 0


Post Views: 3 Israel’s “Indefensible” Borders Yaakov Amidror is a retired Israeli Major-General and currently head of Binyamin’s Netanyahu’s National Security Council.   This is a bit surprising, though not because of Amidror’s political views:  he opposed, for instance, the evacuation

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Netanyahu’s rejection of Obama’s 1967 border deal leaves peace talks in tatters 0


Post Views: 5 Netanyahu’s rejection of Obama’s 1967 border deal leaves peace talks in tatters Palestinians describe fresh talks as pointless following Israel’s dismissal of Barack Obama’s call for a return to prewar frontier Peter Beaumont US president Barack Obama

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Gaza embargo, not flotilla, source of problem, says Davuto?lu 0


Post Views: 8 EM?NE KART KONYA Ahmet Davuto?lu While only 10 days are left until the bitter anniversary of the May 31, 2010 Israeli attack on a humanitarian aid flotilla, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu has cautioned both international figures

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Security forces fire on Cairo ‘Nakba’ rally 0


Post Views: 8 Dozens injured as army and police use live ammunition, witnesses say, to disperse demonstration at Israeli embassy Evan Hill  At least 120 people were injured, one of them critically, when Egyptian security forces attacked a pro-Palestine demonstration

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Thousands gather to mark ‘Nakba Day’ 0


Post Views: 7 Mass rallies expected in Ramallah and Gaza City as Palestinians commemorate 63rd anniversary of their “Catastrophe” A Palestinian teen died during Friday’s clashes in East Jerusalem [REUTERS] Thousands of Palestinians and activists are gathering to mark “Nakba Day”,

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Members of Congress ask Erdo?an to help stop Gaza-bound flotilla 0


Post Views: 4 TODAYSZAMAN In this Monday, May 31, 2010 file photo, image reviewed by the Israeli military and taken aboard an Israeli naval vessel, Israeli navy soldiers intercept one of several boats headed towards the Gaza Strip, in international

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Ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, or, democratic Israel at work 0


Post Views: 8 While we are still desperately concealing, denying and repressing our major ethnic cleansing of 1948 – over 600,000 refugees, some who fled for fear of the Israel Defense Forces and its predecessors, some who were expelled by

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How Palestinian villagers resisted Israel’s apartheid wall 0


Post Views: 4 Harriet Sherwood Budrus is a documentary film about Palestinian villagers’ non-violent resistance against the route of Israel’s separation barrier, whose original route would cut them off from 300 acres and 3,000 olive trees.Watch the trailer here Today

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Eight killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza Strip 0


Post Views: 10 Civilians among victims, including three from the same family Conal Urquhart in Jerusalem A palestinian mourns a family member killed by an Israeli air strike in Gaza. Israel claimed it had targeted militants. Photograph: Mohammed Salem/Reuters At

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