UN PO’ DI SERIETA’ Iñaki Iriondo 0


Post Views: 7 Gara. In nostri vicini del sud non sono uno Stato serio. In nessuna parte del mondo c’è un Governo ed una opposizione che litigano come scolaretti sui tentativi di soluzione di un conflitto con circa 1.500 morti,

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Obama Cites Limits of U.S. Role in Libya 0


Post Views: 3 By HELENE COOPER WASHINGTON — President Obama defended the American-led military assault in Libya on Monday, saying it was in the national interest of the United States to stop a potential massacre that would have “stained the

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Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon to sign banking cooperation deal 0


Post Views: 7 TODAY’S ZAMAN ?STANBUL Central Bank Governor Durmu? Y?lmaz Turkey will sign a regional cooperation agreement in the field of banking with three of its southern neighbors with whom it envisions establishing a single market, an example of

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Prime Minister Erdo?an says Turkey cannot be indifferent to events in Syria 0


Post Views: 9 TODAY’S ZAMAN WITH WIRES ?STANBUL Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki welcomes his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, in Baghdad on Monday. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an said he spoke to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad twice in the past

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Erdo?an says Turkey to make Mesopotamia prosperity region 0


Post Views: 6 TODAY’S ZAMAN WITH AP ?STANBUL On the first day of his two-day official visit to Iraq, Erdo?an met his Iraqi counterpart Nouri al-Maliki on Monday in Baghdad. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an said on Monday that Turkey’s

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The West’s ‘double standards’ in Middle East 0


Post Views: 11 Support for Bahraini government’s crackdown on protests is a paradox as West supports Libyan rebels, activist argues. Mark Levine Human rights activist Rajab accuses the Bahraini government of trying to incite sectarianism to crush protests [AFP] On March

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Obama defends military intervention in Libya 0


Post Views: 4 US president says world will be better off with Gaddafi out of power, but removing him by force would be a mistake  Obama said NATO will take over full control of operations in Libya on Wednesday [REUTERS]

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Post Views: 6 El Gobierno cree «importante» que ETA confirme la tregua Después del último comunicado de ETA, el Gobierno español pasó de puntillas sobre la posible verificación no formal del alto el fuego que se cita en el mismo,

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Syrian clashes leave at least 12 dead as government delays concessions 0


Post Views: 7 • At least 12 people killed in Latakia as unrest spreads• State news agency blames violence on outside forces Katherine Marsh in Damascus and Saeed Kamali Dehghan Syrians demonstrate outside their embassy in Cairo yesterday in support

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Libyan rebels advance on Muammar Gaddafi’s home town 0


Post Views: 8 Revolutionaries move further west along Libya’s coastal road, seizing several towns without resistance, and reach Sirte Chris McGreal in Bin Jawad and Ian Black in Sirte A Libyan rebel fighter sits in his vehicle as rebel forces

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