Search Results for "Ireland"

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IRELAND: National Demonstration On The Housing Crisis


 The National Homeless and Housing Coalition have called a national demonstration on the housing crisis to take place on Saturday December 1st at 2pm. After the massive success of the #RaiseTheRoof rally, on October 3rd – when we had 12,000

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IRELAND: POLICING “Maurice McCabe and the rot inside the state”


Whistleblower Maurice McCabe’s efforts to expose corruption in the local Garda force in Cavan was met with vicious reprisals from the national leadership of An Garda Síochána

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Report says unification of Ireland can prevent Brexit economic crash


A new international research study has concluded the reunification of Ireland would lead to a massive economic windfall for the whole island, while Brexit will have disastrous consequences

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Health Apartheid in Ireland


Ireland has just been identified as one of the most unequal countries in the EU regarding access to healthcare

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 Ireland: Death and Rising of Emma Mhic Mhathúna


So far, due to a variety of ignoble reasons, not least public healthcare being farmed out to private laboratories, 221 women have now been identified whose smear tests had been read incorrectly with tragic consequences

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Troubles On the Way: Border Concerns Raised in Northern Ireland


With the deadline for negotiations on a british departure from the e.u. fast approaching, the reality of a “no deal” brexit is becoming increasingly likely

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Cause for concern should grow following the violence witnessed on September 11 at North Frederick Street in inner city Dublin

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DUBLIN, Ireland “Masked Garda threaten housing campaigners with batons”


Pepper spray, dogs and batons were deployed, there were 5 or 6 arrests and four housing campaigners required hosptial visits from injuries received in the course of the eviction of the Frederick St occupation

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Ireland “Summer of the Vultures”


“The tsunami that I warned about has been delayed and outsourced, but it is coming.”

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Ireland: No Longer Homes – Only (Bank) Assets Now?


Thus  “vulture” funds have come to be recognised (despised?) as a relatively recent feature in the ongoing capitalist ‘revolution’ that has replaced the 20th century

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