Search Results for "Ireland"

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Ireland: Constitutional Ban on Abortion Defeated


Many of the civil liberties enjoyed elsewhere in Europe (contraception, divorce, abortion) were, for a long time, denied in Ireland, largely on the grounds of the Roman Catholic faith

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Protests across Ireland against Israeli massacre


Thousands protested in cities across the country this evening following  a horrific mass murder by Israel of some 60 unarmed Palestinians in Gaza  on Monday. It was the single deadliest day for Palestinians in several  years.   Protestors had been

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Ireland: Is Property Theft? Irish Landlords in Power


Ireland, with its punishing history of colonisation, has a no less traumatic ‘memory’  of property, its possession and, more importantly, its dispossession or lack

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Women of faith and the Northern Ireland peace process: breaking the silence


Mairead Maguire, Betty Williams and other members of the “Peace People’ are well-known, but the actions of other groups of Catholic and Protestant women are not

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NORTHERN IRELAND: Conservatives Vote to protect Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)’s “dirty little (Brexit) secret”


Efforts to backdate the new transparency rules on political party donations in Northern Ireland failed on Thursday 7th March

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IRELAND: Why is Theresa May protecting the DUP’s dirty little (Brexit) secret?


Theresa May’s Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire is going to try to sneak a big favour to the DUP, the small party now propping up May’s government in parliament

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Northern Ireland’s economy has a lot more to lose from a hard Brexit than the Republic’s


As the Brexit end game approaches, the intractability of the problems around the Irish border are thrown into sharp relief

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‘Uniting Ireland and its People in Peace and Prosperity’ – summary


The Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement in its work programme approved by the Dublin parliament appointed Senator Mark Daly as rapporteur to compile a report on the effect of Brexit on Ireland, what Ireland should seek to have

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Irish Dail report shows a United Ireland may be closer than ever


An Irish parliamentary report on achieving Irish unity has placed the republican goal of a united Ireland in the context of 26 County constitutional parliamentary politics for the first time.

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Choctaw Indian Tribe and Ireland: a history of solidarity


A simple act of kindness 170 years ago by an Oklahoma Indian tribe was celebrated in County Cork this week

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