Tag "Daesh"

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The Struggle for Kobanê – A Future for Kurds?


This week in September marks the 6th (since September 2014) anniversary of the Islamic State/Daesh’s advance on and siege of the Kurdish city of Kobanê

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3 August must be recognized as the “International Day of Action Against Femicide and Genocide” 0


This week marks the 6th anniversary of the August 3, 2014 massacre in Iraq’s Sinjar region of the Yazidi community by the so-called Islamic State as they swept into northern Iraq in 2014

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ISIS women in al-Hol Camp say Turkey helps jihadists to escape 0


Some 68,000 people currently live in Camp-Hol, including 30,000 ISIS jihadists with their families

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Revuelta de los presos de ISIS en Rojava


Kino Gabriel, el portavoz de las Fuerzas Democráticas Sirias (SDF) ha anunciado por la tarde del lunes que el motín iniciado por la tarde del domingo en la cárcel de Heseke (en Rojava) donde se encuentran alrededor de 5000 presos del Estado Islámico

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The AANES Remains the Only True Option for Peace, Stability, and Freedom in Syria


this democratic, rights-based polity, which was established in 2012 after the Assad regime left the area, remains the region’s best bet for stability, justice, and peace

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What Next in Afrin?


Over a year has passed since the might of NATO’s second largest military machine with its fighter jets overran what had one of the safest regions in a Syria gutted by years of civil war and bloodshed

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“Someone Else’s War – when your child joins the war against Isis”


I joined the YPJ in March of last year. I wanted to support the revolution and fight and join also the weaponised fight against the forces of fascism and the enemies of the revolution

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Uncertain Times in Rojava – The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria


What is the future for the democratic revolution trying to unfold in North and East Syria?

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Syrian Democratic Forces: Statement to public opinion


We affirm that our war against Daesh terrorism will continue until full victory is achieved with the total elimination of its existence

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Letter from slain International Volunteer Lorenzo Orsetti


Post Views: 598 “These are difficult times, I know, but don’t give in to despair, don’t ever abandon hope, never! Not even for a second.” Lorenzo Orsetti  “I hope now that his death will say something about the cause of

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