Tag "Final Peace Agreement"

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Timochenko: What happened to my heart?


Post Views: 19 On the road to peace, it got a little hurt.

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Gabriel Angel on Timo’s Great Skills


Post Views: 17 One sunny morning in October 1992, in a van that I boarded in the San Jorge neighborhood, south of Bogotá, I was driven by a peasant from the area to San Juan del Sumapaz.

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FARC Women: In the guerrilla we were always treated with respect


Post Views: 95 Last week several media, including RCN television and Blu Radio, reproduced the stories of a supposed FARC former-guerilla woman, who spent her time in smearing the commanders and guerrillas, for what she called permanent sexual harassment.

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Timochenko: FARC Women reject smear campaign


Post Views: 35 The women who have been in the FARC, recently issued a public statement, in which they express their open rejection of the smear campaign that some people and media are carrying on against the leaders of the

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Let’s Stand Up Colombia!


Post Views: 32 The Colombian national team finally qualified for the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

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