Tag "Fine Gael"

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Election promises last only as long as the campaign


In government Fianna Fáil was responsible for the worst banking collapse in Irish history, which almost bankrupted the 26 counties, set new record levels of unemployment and emigration

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Remembering the Hunger Strikers – National Commemoration Sunday August 23rd


Post Views: 22   National Hunger strike March is on Sunday August 23rd. Assemble 2.15pm Bailigh at 2.15 to walk to New Inn, Newry Road at 3pm1981 was a tumultuous period in modern Irish history and the 1981 hunger strike

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Celebrating O’Donovan Rossa – A continuum of struggle


Post Views: 12 In February Sinn Féin launched our national campaign to mark the centenary of the 1916 Rising. It was and is a first class programme which included a re-enactment of the funeral of veteran Fenian Jeremiah O’Donovan Rossa.In

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