Tag "Gerry Adams"

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Irish republicans pay tribute to Bobby Sands by reading his diary entries


Former Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams says that to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Bobby Sands hunger strike, 17 activists will read one of Bobby’s 17 diary entries.

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Perfidious Albion


The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, warned the British government that any reneging on its responsibilities will mean that Britain’s signature on everything from trade agreements to Treasury bonds will be worthless

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The Choctaws – A Debt Repaid 0


The Irish proverb: “Is ar scáth a chéile a mhaireann na daoine.” translates as: “We all live in each other’s shadow.” In other words we are all interlinked

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2020- The Year ahead


Post Views: 15 When An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar finally decides in 2020, with his Fianna Fáil partner in government Micheál Martin, to call the general election my tenure as the TD for Louth will come to an end. Sin é.

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How the 31 August IRA cessation happened


The IRA cessation is 25 years old this week. August 1994 was an intense month. To be honest, neither Martin nor I really knew if we would succeed

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August 1969: Three Books and Video


The second week of August 50 years ago witnessed the most intensive and violent period of conflict in the North since the 1920s

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Féile An Phobail Abú


Wasn’t Féile an Phobail 2019 great? 11 days, covering over 300 events, which attracted tens of thousands people. Amazing

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August 1969. It all changed forever


August 69 was a turning point for the North and for many of us who lived here. The Civil Rights Association had been campaigning for an end to discrimination by the Unionist regime at Stormont

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Ireland and the tragedy of refugees


I have just finished reading The Beekeeper of Aleppo by Christy Lefteri. Christy was a volunteer working with families fleeing war in Syria

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Peculiar aspect of Irish Peace Process revealed


“The Negotiators Cookbook” written by former Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams shed light on a peculiar aspect of the Irish Peace Process

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