Tag "Human Rights Watch"

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Gaza/Israël : la conclusion des audiences entre l’Afrique du Sud et Israël à la Cour Internationale de Justice


Le 10 mai 2024 l’Afrique du Sud, face à l’imminence d’une offensive militaire à Rafah dont Israël menace la population de Gaza depuis plusieurs semaines, a soumis une quatrième demande urgente de mesures conservatoires à la Cour Internationale de Justice

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Gaza/Israel: la tercera solicitud ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia de Sudáfrica contra Israel


El pasado 6 de marzo del 2024, la Corte Internacional de Justicia (CIJ) dió a conocer una tercera solicitud formal de medidas provisionales urgentes presentada por Sudáfrica contra Israel

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Gaza / Israel: inminente voto de una nueva resolución del Consejo de Seguridad


El voto de un proyecto de resolución presentado por Estados Árabes Unidos se ha pospuesto para este 19 de diciembre

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Extrajudicial Killing Dims Hopes for Colombia’s Demobilized FARC


Dimar Torres, a demobilized member of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), was shot just outside of Campo Alegre

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Turkey: Mass Prosecution of Lawyers


Misuse of Terrorism Charge Undermines Fair Trial Rights

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Colombia: Veto Could Undermine Accountability


Colombian President Iván Duque’s partial veto of a transitional justice bill could undermine and delay progress toward justice for wartime atrocities

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Colombia: New Army Commanders Linked to Killings


The Colombian government has appointed at least nine officers credibly implicated in extrajudicial executions and other abuses to key positions of the army

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“A Difficult Year in Turkey”? You’re tellin’ me…


International Observatory of Human Rights have added to the long list of the country’s human rights violations in their recent 2018 in Review: Human Rights Violations in Turkey

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Iran’s Judiciary Threatens Executions for Economic ‘Crimes’


Following the execution of 3 Kurdish activists by Iran on Saturday 8th, here is Human Rights Watch’s August 10 look at the regime’s increasing dependence on the death penalty to address issues within Iranian society

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