Tag "Isis"

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Turkish invasion provokes 48% rise in ISIS sleeper cell attacks


Post Views: 14 New research by Rojava Information Center finds: Turkish invasion of North and East Syria provokes 48% rise in ISIS sleeper cell attacks Swift rise in attacks reverses ongoing decrease in sleeper cell attacks previously achieved by SDF

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SDF and Coalition conduct 347 anti-ISIS raids and 476 arrests in 2019


Post Views: 10 The Rojava Information Centre has published the following report. ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was reported killed in a US raid near the Turkish border in Idlib last night. SDF commander-in-chief Mazloum Abdi said the operation was

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A message  from a Kurd to the American people


My name is Adnan Hasan , A Kurd from Kobane ,  I want to deliver my appeal (my voice ) to you throw this massage

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Rojava Betrayed. An End to our Dream of Revolution?


The Syrian war(s) have so far resulted in at least 570,000 deaths  (SOHR figures) and approximately 14 million displaced (both internally and externally) along with years of misery. Endless misery

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“Turkey seeks to open new lands for ISIS to prolong its life”


The General Command of the Military Councils in Al-Jazeera region called on human rights organizations, the European Union and the United Nations to take an anti-invasion stand

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WKI President: We call upon President Trump to reverse his decision


The Washington Kurdish Institute (WKI) strongly condemns US President Donald Trump’s decision to allow Turkey to invade the Kurdish region of Syria

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Trump green-lights Turkish invasion of NE Syria and the destruction of hope


Sarah Glynn, co-convener of Scottish Solidarity with Kurdistan, argues that the United States’ backing of a Turkish offensive into Syria must be opposed

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Raqqa: Back to Life


Raqqa was the city ISIS jihadists proclaimed the capital of their Caliphate. It is also one of the city which suffered most and witnessed inhuman massacres, beheading, violence difficult to express with words

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Final declaration of International Forum on ISIS


The International Forum on ISIS was organized by the Rojava Strategic Research Center (NRLS) in the Beylesan hall in Amude (province of Qamishlo, Rojava)

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