Tag "Istanbul"

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Beştaş: AKP has reached a level denying the existence of the Kurds


An indictment in relation to Kobane with demand for over ten thousand years of prison sentences has been prepared against 108 people including politicians following the decision of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights demanding Turkey to release Selahattin Demirtas, former co-chair of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) .

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Students of Boğaziçi University: We will not step back!


For years many people have predicted that tensions in Turkey are deteriorating even further. Regardless of whether they are supporters or opponents of the government, it was clear that the state was losing its power and would seek to regain it by force. As the government would increase oppression, it was obvious that it would be met with resistance. It would not be mistaken to see what is happening in Boğaziçi as such. The resistance shown against such violence, attack, torture, arrest and detention changed everything.

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147 writers send a statement of solidarity to Boğaziçi University students


A joint text was published by 147 writers in support to Boğaziçi University students. “We stand by the resistance at Boğaziçi University. We will not bow to persecution and oppression,” said the writers.

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Academics worldwide in solidarity with Boğaziçi University students for academic freedom


A global solidarity campaign has been launched with the students of Turkey’s Boğaziçi University who have been protesting for a month against the appointment of an AKP supporter as rector.

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NUS in solidarity with Bogazici University


NUS National President Larissa Kennedy said the student body, which represents some 600 affiliated further and higher education institutions across the country, has a proud track record of international solidarity.

”NUS UK has from its outset been an internationally engaged national union that seeks to organise for social justice in solidarity with other students across the world,” she said.

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Corte Istanbul: non é reato celebrare Primo Maggio a Taksim senza autorizzazione


Post Views: 9 Importante decisione giudiziaria: andare a Taksim senza autorizzazione il primo maggio non è un reato, è un diritto Costituzionale! Il verdetto del ventesimo Tribunale Penale di Istanbul si basa sulla decisone della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo

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