Tag "KNK"

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KNK calls for urgent action for Kurdish activists detained in Iran


Post Views: 17 Urgent political, diplomatic and legal action directed at the Iranian regime is needed to protect the lives of at least 11 Kurdish activists and students who have been detained by IRGC in Iran.

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KNK: Act against possible Turkish occupation of Rojava


Post Views: 9 The Executive Council of the Kurdish National Congress (KNK) has issued a statement following the decision by the US to withdraw from the borders points of Serekaniye and Gire Spi. The Executive Council of the Kurdistan National

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KNK denuncia los asesinatos del Estado turco en Afrin


Post Views: 30 El Congreso Nacional de Kurdistán (KNK) publicó este lunes un informe sobre los ataques de Turquía contra el cantón kurdo de Afrin, en el norte de Siria. A continuación publicamos el informe completo. Después de 45 días,

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