Turkish-ISIS Belt replaces Arab Belt


Post Views: 57 “The demographics of Syria’s most stable and secure lands is being changed by the joint plan of the UN (United Nations), USA, Russia and the European Union (EU), writes Ferda Çetin.

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British train drivers union demands the government to end arm sales to Turkey


Post Views: 43 British train drivers union Aslef demanded the British government end arm sales to Turkey, saying it is “wrong to profit from the oppression of the Kurds.”

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YPG on Kobane victory: We will continue to do everything to defend our people and our revolution


Post Views: 154 YPG vowed that they would keep up the struggle against all forms of attacks with determination and with the great spirit of resistance of Kobane and would continue to do “everything in our power to defend our

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Autonomous Administration: Kobane victory is a legacy for the whole world and humanity


Post Views: 23 The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria called for Turkish occupation to be stopped, saying “The liberation of Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî is as important as the liberation of Kobane.”

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¿Qué pasó en la Asamblea del Partido Farc en la que nació Comunes?


Post Views: 20 Crónica de Gabriel Ángel, quien asistió al encuentro que reunió 258 delegados y que operó en simultánea desde el Hotel Chinauta Real, Medellín y 12 lugares distintos. Albeiro Córdoba fue un mando emblemático en el Bloque Oriental

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¿Por qué Comunes?


Post Views: 29 Por absoluta mayoría de los delegados a la II Asamblea Extraordinaria del partido surgido del acuerdo de Paz de La Habana, entre el Estado y la otrora insurgencia de la guerrilla de las FARC-EP, se aprobó el

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Coronavirus and economic crisis hit Amed


Post Views: 22 Amed (Diyarbakır) is one of the most important cities in the Middle East, Turkey and Kurdistan. It is the heart, breath and beauty of the region … Amed, known for its historical mosaic of peoples and story

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UK Kurdish MP Clark calls for action over disappearance of Gökhan Güneş


Post Views: 24 Britain’s first ever female Kurdish MP Feryal Clark has called for urgent action over the disappearance of Gökhan Güneş.

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Autonomous Administration: Situation in Hol Camp concerns the whole world


Post Views: 16 The North and East Syria Autonomous Administration has issued a call to the international community to take their responsibility for Hol camp.

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FARC Party holds General Assembly


Post Views: 17 The left-wing FARC party, created after the signing of the Final Peace Agreement in Havana between the Colombian government and the guerrilla of the FARC-EP confirmed that it will change its name to move away from the

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