KURDISH, Armenian, and Christian groups have warned that legislation signed as one of the last acts of the outgoing Trump administration gives Turkey the green light to continue “cultural genocide” against the country’s minorities.


Post Views: 14 In what has been described as a disastrous last minute move, the US signed a bilateral US-Turkey Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) granting Turkey legal rights over the religious and cultural heritage of all indigenous people and minorities.

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German-Turkey collaboration over Leopard tanks continues


Post Views: 14 New investigation report published in the German magazine Stern reveals Germany still selling tank parts to Turkey.

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Sallux says Europe, US, Canada should stop defending Turkey


Post Views: 14 Director of Sallux Johannes de Jong suggested that NATO member States say that Turkey can no longer count on protection based on Article 5 of the NATO Treaty until it changes its behaviour.

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Hospital in Qamishlo performs first heart surgery


Post Views: 14 The first heart surgery was performed in the newly opened Heart and Eye Diseases Hospital in Qamishlo. It was stated that the operation was successful.

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Ireland: Mother & Baby Homes report a whitewash — but Church and State are guilty!


For years, survivors and adoptees of so-called ‘mother and baby homes’ have sought justice. Governments promised they’d get it. Sadly, all they’ve received from official Ireland this week is yet another slap in the face

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HDP pays tribute to journalist Hrant Dink on 14th anniversary of his murder


Post Views: 14 Today marks the 14th anniversary of the murder of journalist Hrant Dink. The HDP said: “We know well who Dink’s killer are.”

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Kongra Star calls for an end to the occupation of Afrin


Post Views: 7 Kongra Star issued a statement to mark the 3rd anniversary of the invasion of Afrin carried out by Turkey.

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Hunger strikes against isolation continue on day 55


Post Views: 2 The hunger strike launched on 27 November by prisoners to demand the end to the isolation imposed upon Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Öcalan and the violations in prisons continues on its 55th day.

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Is the Islamic State coming back?


Post Views: 22 In the past few days there have been a series of large-scale ISIS attacks in Syria. Is the Islamic State coming back?

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Shocking new evidence in British supplies to Turkish killer drones 0


Post Views: 11 Shocking new evidence reveals a six-year secret history of British supplied technology that has fuelled Turkey’s dirty drone wars.

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