Tag "Micheál Martin"

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Varadkar confirmed as new Fine Gael leader and next Taoiseach Irish Republican News


Leo Varadkar is to become Ireland’s youngest and first openly gay Taoiseach. He defeated his rival for the Fine Gael leadership, Simon Coveney

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Enda Kenny re-elected Taoiseach after ‘tawdry deals’


Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has received the seal of office of Taoiseach from the President after being re-elected this afternoon with the help of nine independents and the tacit support of Fianna Fail

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Michel Martin could play a leadership role in the necessary process of making Irish unity a reality


during and after the general election the one thing that all Fianna Fáil spokespersons agreed on was their hostility to Sinn Féin emerging as the official opposition in the Dáil.

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Irish election called for February 26th


The 26 County President, Michael D Higgins, has dissolved parliament at the request of Taoiseach Enda Kenny, who has called a general election

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Election promises last only as long as the campaign


In government Fianna Fáil was responsible for the worst banking collapse in Irish history, which almost bankrupted the 26 counties, set new record levels of unemployment and emigration

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Gerry Adams replies to Fianna Fáil leader


Post Views: 22 In a strongly-worded speech to party members at the Royal College of Physicians in Dublin on Wednesday, Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams TD hit back at recent hysterics by Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin – describing the

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