Money Talks To Itself, now, in Ireland…


The Ulster Bank, on May 25th, announced that is about to sell €875 million of its “troubled mortgages belonging to uncooperative customers

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52 años de lucha por la paz en Colombia


Post Views: 59 Publicamos aqui el comunicado de las FARC-EP que este 27 de mayo cumple el 52 aniversario de existencia como fuerza político militar revolucionaria.

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The Steel Cranes


The people of Ireland, since 30 September 2008, have been taught a harsh lesson in the nature of class power and the Irish State

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During this one year, 2015, 3,284,289 European citizens signed the European Citizens Initiative and set a strong signal against TTIP and CETA

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Two more deaths in prison as protest escalates


On April 3 inmates at the Prison Doña Juana (Caldas) staged yet another struggle to demand their rights, denounce aberrant medical malpractice and draw attention to the constant violation of human rights within the Colombian prison system

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Europe condemns treatment of Traveller community


Woodland Park is a depressing, poorly designed concrete complex of connecting bays for mobile homes that was built as a halting site for Traveller families

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A Tour of the 2016 Palestine International Book Fair: In Words and Pictures


The 2016 Palestine International Book Fair, which ran just before the annual Palestine Festival of Literature (PalFest), ran from May 7-17

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El no reconocimiento de las nuevas autoridades de Brasil por parte de El Salvador: breve puesta en perspectiva


A raíz de los eventos suscitados la semana pasada en Brasil, que culminaron con la suspensión de la Presidenta Dilma Rousseff, y el anuncio de las primeras medidas por parte del nuevo gabinete brasileño, las autoridades de El Salvador han decidido no reconocer a las actuales autoridades en Brasil

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We can see now that many sectors within civil society in Europe have been working in the past year to develop awareness of and resistance to this Agreement

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The Long Road to Peace


Making peace, as Gerry Adams continues to reiterate, quoting Nelson Mandela, is much more difficult than making war

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