Tag "Murder"

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Family members of YPJ fighter Çiçek Kobanê expelled from Turkey


Post Views: 25 Three members of the family of YPJ fighter Çiçek Kobanê (Dozgin Temo), who was wounded and imprisoned last October in the course of the Turkish invasion in the self-governing areas of northern Syria and has been held

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Russian official: Turkey displaced Kurds and replaced them with Turkmens


Post Views: 13 The Russian Coordination centre for reconciliation of opposing sides on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic held a press conference on the latest developments in the region and the Turkish state’s use of refugees as a

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430 women murdered in Turkey in first 11 months of 2019


Post Views: 7 According to the November report of the Platform to Stop Murders of Women, 39 women were murdered in Turkey in a month. In the first 11 months of the year, at least 430 women were killed by

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Turkey killed 8 children in Til Rifat


Post Views: 47 Turkish invasion forces have targeted civilians in Til Rifat town of the Shehba Canton today. The attack killed 10 people, including 8 children aged between 3 and 15. Ten other people, including many children, were wounded in

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