Tag "North East Syria"

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Autonomous Administration: Kobane victory is a legacy for the whole world and humanity


Post Views: 23 The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria called for Turkish occupation to be stopped, saying “The liberation of Afrin, Serêkaniyê and Girê Spî is as important as the liberation of Kobane.”

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Autonomous Administration: Situation in Hol Camp concerns the whole world


Post Views: 16 The North and East Syria Autonomous Administration has issued a call to the international community to take their responsibility for Hol camp.

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Water for Rojava


While the world battles the COVID-19 pandemic, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s right-wing government continues to attack the Kurdish-led Rojava Revolution. One of its weapons of war is water

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Fourth Rojava International Film Festival: Call for submission 


The fourth edition of the Rojava Film Festival (Mihrîcana Fîlm a ROJAVA ya navnetewî) organised by Komîna Fîlm A Rojava (the Rojava Film Commune) will be held from 13 to 19 November

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