Tag "russia"
Back to homepageThe Suspension of Russia from the UN Human Rights Council. A Few Reflections
On 7 April 2022, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution suspending Russia’s participation in the Human Rights Council
Read MoreRusia, China e Irán realizan ejercicios marítimos conjuntos en el Golfo de Omán
Post Views: 7 Unidades de las marina de Rusia, China e Irán realizan ejercicios militares en el Golfo de Omán. Según informaciones oficiales está previsto que las maniobras duren hasta el 30 de diciembre, sin embargo no se precisaron las
Read MoreUN special envoy met foreign ministers of Turkey, Iran and Russia
Post Views: 17 The meeting was one day ahead of the launch of the Syria Constitutional Committee. The Committee will be formally launched on Wednesday in the Palais des Nations in Geneva. It vows to be inclusive, hovewer he Autonomous
Read MoreRussia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed
Post Views: 20 Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed on 10 points. “President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin agreed on the following points: 1.
Read MoreTurkey establishing “Turkmen belt” along Syrian border
Post Views: 34 The Turkish state is using different groups to occupy Syria. They all go under the name of “Syrian National Army-SMO (Ceyşul Wetenî)” and each has a separate agenda although in the end they all serve one agenda, Turkey’s. The
Read MoreSyrian people suffer after Pyrrhic victory
I took on the habit of walking through the streets of my city, Damascus, every day, particularly during the night. I love to stare into the faces and eyes of its people
Read MoreSyria: Will the Russia/Turkey deal on Idlib hold?
Idlib has been a rebel stronghold since the start of the uprising against Assad in 2011. More recently it has been a gathering place for rebels forced to withdraw from other parts of Syria
Read MoreIdlib Will be the Final Test of Turkish-Russian Cooperation in Syria
With Turkey preparing the rebels in Idlib to repel the impending offensive by the Syrian Arab Army it seems likely that this will be the end of Turkish-Russian cooperation in Syria
Read MoreNot scared to fight: Why I left Russia for the ecological struggle in Rojava
My interest in Rojava and Kurdistan ignited after a long time spent searching for a similar model or concept inside the Russian movement
Read MoreON A DAY THIS WEEK, in April, 1930
The 14th April 1930, Leningrad’s Krasnaya Gazeta (The Red Gazette) reported that Soviet “poet-tribune” Vladimir (Volodya) Mayakovsky, had committed suicide by shooting himself through the heart
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