Tag "Stormont Assembly"

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No return to the status quo, writes Gerry Adams


Post Views: 31 The anti-equality approach of the DUP, supported by the British government, has seen the shutters effectively pulled down on this round of talks. This constitutes a monumental failure by Theresa May and her government.

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Stormont talks end in failure: Tory/DUP pact blamed


Post Views: 8 The collapse of talks to revive power-sharing has been described by Sinn Fein’s Michelle O’Neill as a “monumental failure” by British Prime Minister Theresa May who she said had “set back decades of work” in the peace process.

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Stand up with Martin


The actions of the DUP have been outrageous

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Sinn Fein backs McGuinness


Sinn Fein has expressed a much tougher line against the intransigence and bigotry of the DUP following the resignation by Martin McGuinness

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