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Post Views: 63 DUNNES STORES workers who joined pickets on Good Friday have been dismissed, had their hours cut and faced demotions in what Mandate Trade Union has described as a “despicable” move by the the retailer’s management. In a

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Independence in a time of crisis – The Global Rights Project


Post Views: 18 The world we live in is marked by a concentration of global powers as we have never known before. The economy and finance, politics, information and official culture, military force, merge into an increasingly exclusive and minority

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Post Views: 10 Hace apenas un mes el guion de la Cumbre de las Américas, que se efectuará en Panamá los días 10 y 11 de abril, era novedoso y previsible. Una foto en primer plano de los Presidentes de

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Post Views: 41 Jesús Arboleya es Doctor en Historia, profesor de la Universidad de La Habana y del Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales. En 2013 recibió el prestigioso premio ‘Casa de las Américas’ por su libro “Cuba y los cubanoamericanos.

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Water protest grows in Ireland


Post Views: 43 Just under 90,000 people marched in Dublin on Saturday 21 March in the latest anti-austerity protest against the 26 County government’s new water charges as a scandal over the operation of Irish Water, the new national water

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Ola de protesta en Turquía denuncia los crímenes de género


El intento de violación y posterior asesinato de una joven estudiante de apenas 20 años ha despertado en Turquía una ola de indignación y protesta, encabezada por las propias mujeres, denunciando los crímenes de género, sin embargo en la sociedad turca el patriarcado sigue siendo un valor arraigado mientras la situación socio laboral de las mujeres se deteriora.

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Sinn Féin launch a People’s Pact


Post Views: 7 Sinn Féin launched “A People’s Pact”, in Belfast. The election advertisement which states that the party wants “equality not austerity” was unveiled at Belfast Castle. Speaking at the press conference to present the billboard, which is summarizing

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Global Rights launched in Milan


Post Views: 301 The director of Societá InFormazione Onlus, Sergio Segio, explained to a crowded room the reasons that led the Report on Global Rights to plan a change. The new project was presented at the Book Pride, the first

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Colombian Peace Talks continue in Havana


Post Views: 39 Peace negotiations between delegations of the Colombian government and the Colombian guerrilla movement, FARC-EP are continuing in the Cuban capital, Havana. No doubt the main achievement of round 34 has been the decision to initiate a pilot

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La lunga marcia per uscire dalla crisi


Al 31 gennaio 2015 i disoccupati nello stato spagnolo erano 4.525.691, ovvero il 23,7% della popolazione attiva.

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