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Il mondo in bilico


La guerra fredda, da tempo riesumata dal Novecento, si appresta a diventare calda. I costi delle guerre, per il solo 2014, vengono quantificati in 180 mila vittime e 14 mila miliardi di dollari

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No Ordinary Elections for Turkey


Post Views: 9 by Orsola Casagrande Turkey goes to the polls on Sunday. Voters will say if President Erdogan could change the Costitution and be crowned absolute leader “We need to move 600 thousand votes to HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party)

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Ireland has become the first country to legalise same-sex marriage through a popular vote, with indications from all count centres across the country showing ‘Yes’ votes outnumbering ‘No’ votes by about two-to-one

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Reaching Out


There are many challenges facing the political Institutions established by the Good Friday Agreement and by the popular will of the people of the island of Ireland

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Tiochfaidh ár ngrá – Vótáil Tá


Padraig Pearse in The Sovereign People says: “The end of freedom is human happiness”. This Friday we have a huge opportunity to make an awful lot of people happy, and wouldn’t that be a great thing to do on Friday.

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Adams greets prince on first day of royal visit


Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams caused controversy today when he met ‘Prince of Wales’ Charles Windsor in a meet-and-greet opportunity during the first day of his four-day royal tour through Ireland

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Palestine Festival of Literature


Post Views: 48 The 2015 Palestine Festival of Literature, which opens this year on May 23, recently have announced its  the names of participating authors and their meetings and readings, which includes events in six cities. Yesterday, organizers announced the

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Elecciones generales en Turquía


Post Views: 8 El próximo 7 de junio Turquía celebrará un proceso electoral que sin exagerar se puede calificar de definitorio en aspectos esenciales de su futuro. En este hermoso y contradictorio país las pugnas electorales se viven, como casi

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Tory Human Rights plan ‘would wreck peace deal’


The new British government has already launched an ultra-conservative political agenda that could unravel the peace process in the north of Ireland

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The next battlefield


The outcome of last week’s Westminster election presents enormous dangers to Ireland, north and south

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