Tag "UK"

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UK Kurdish MP Clark calls for action over disappearance of Gökhan Güneş


Post Views: 24 Britain’s first ever female Kurdish MP Feryal Clark has called for urgent action over the disappearance of Gökhan Güneş.

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Sinn Féin set for 12 December Westminster elections


Sinn Féin is set to contest all 18 Westminster constituencies on 12 December after its efforts to form a pact of parties opposed to Brexit failed to get a positive response from other party leaders.

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UK demos for Rojava


Post Views: 23 Thousands of people gathered in many British cities to mark World Rojava Day on Saturday. Thousands of people gathered in many cities of Britain to support Rojava and condemn the attacks carried out by the Turkish state.

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Early elections to be held on 12 December in the UK


Post Views: 11 The House of Commons passed legislation for an early Westminster election to be held on 12 December. PM Boris Johnson has called for the election in the hope of converting public exhaustion at the Brexit statemate into a

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The Sh*t is starting to fly


Johnson has been compared to two people, one alive and one dead. The alive one is Donald Trump, and the similarities are scary

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Johnson named extreme-right Tory cabinet


The newly appointed British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has appointed an over-the-top Cabinet of Brexiteer ultras and right-wing extremists

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Boris Johnson set to become UK Prime Minister today


Boris Johnson has won a final Tory leadership runoff, defeating his opponent Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt with the support of more than two in three of the Conservative Party membership

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Fresh concerns raised over DUP’s secret Brexit donation


Caroline Lucas MP calls on UK watchdog to ‘re-open investigation’, after new evidence suggests ‘deeply irresponsible’ initial inquiry

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What Would A ‘No Deal’ Brexit Mean For Human Rights?


The prospect of the UK crashing out of the European Union without an agreement – a so-called “no-deal Brexit” – looms ever larger

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Troubles On the Way: Border Concerns Raised in Northern Ireland


With the deadline for negotiations on a british departure from the e.u. fast approaching, the reality of a “no deal” brexit is becoming increasingly likely

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