Turkey has lost faith in Syria: Turkish Prime Minister Erdo?an 0


Post Views: 5 ANKARA – Agence France-Presse Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan gestures while addressing members of Parliament from his ruling AK Party during a meeting at the parliament in Ankara, on November 15, 2011. AFP Photo Turkey has

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Italia, un regime change senza armi – Enirico Piovesana 0


Post Views: 6             Peacereporter.Il bombardamento speculativo, l’ultimatum di Draghi e Trichet, l’invasione delle truppe in doppio petto di Bce e Fmi che occupano i ministeri e l’imposizione di un governo-fantocccio.   La soluzione ai

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Obama: China must play fair on trade 0


Post Views: 7 US president tells China to start behaving more responsibly on currency and trade issues at conclusion of APEC summit Obama warns that China must abide by international rules before it can become a partner in free trade [Reuters]

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Syria: Arab League suspension threat illegal 0


Post Views: 8 Syrian foreign minister says moves to suspend country from regional bloc are a dangerous step Syria’s foreign minister says Arab League threat to suspend Syria’s membership prompted by US incitement [Reuters] Syria’s foreign minister, Walid al-Muallem has rejected the

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Italy president starts consultations on new government 0


Post Views: 6 REUTERS, ROME People display posters outside Quirinale Presidential Palace, the one at left reading in Italian ‘Nov. 12th, national holiday’, after news spread of Premier Silvio Berlusconi’s Resignation during a meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, in

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Quake victims in tents battle freezing cold 0


Post Views: 7 ISTANBUL Photo: AA Quake victims in Van are grappling with severe weather conditions as the temperature decreased to seven degrees below zero and snow covered much of the region over the weekend, sparking questions over how locals

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Syrian opposition group seeks to open representation in Turkey 0


Post Views: 2 ANKARA Syrian opposition figure Samir Nashar (C) addresses a meeting in ?stanbul Oc. 2, 2011. (Photo: Reuters) A Syrian opposition group that is trying to form a united front against President Bashar Assad has sought permission to

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The West’s tragedy of capital 0


Post Views: 6 While Rome burns citizens should not fiddle, but believe another world may be possible and work together for that worldPepe Escobar   The one per cent’s counter-revolution against protests has begun, and ‘it will be beyond ruthless’

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Italy set to vote for austerity measures 0


Post Views: 3 Berlusconi expected to step down as PM after the package to reduce the country’s $2.6tn debt is approved by the senate Berlusconi is expected to resign after parliament approves reforms geared to placate markets [Reuters] The Italian

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Sin luz ni final en el largo túnel 0


Post Views: 5 Grecia designa a un nuevo primer ministro acorde con los intereses europeos Antonio Cuesta Rebelión Tras días de intensas negociaciones los dos principales partidos griegos, el Movimiento Socialista Panhelénico (PASOK) de Yorgos Papandréu y el conservador Nueva

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