Interior minister under fire over terror charges 0


Post Views: 7 ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily NewsThe Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) challenges prosecutors to launch a closure case against Turkey’s main Kurdish political movement over Interior Minister ?dris Naim ?ahin’s remarks that the BDP and the Kurdistan Communities

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Mediator hopeful on Armenia thaw 0


Post Views: 8 Cansu Çaml?bel ANKARA Turkish-Armenian dialogue is currently in a deadlock but there is still hope of reviving the Zurich protocols signed between the two countries, according to Swiss Confederation President Micheline Calmy-Rey, who mediated the talks Micheline

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AK Party gov’t to announce new package of democratization 0


Post Views: 11   Deputy PM Bülent Ar?nç AL? ASLAN KILIÇ, ANKARA The government has plans to announce a new democratization package that would further consolidate and expand the sphere of fundamental rights and freedoms. This will follow an earlier

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46 giornalisti kurdi e di sinistra in carcere 0


Post Views: 4 Le parole pronunciate qualche giorno fa dal ministro della giustizia turco Sadullah Ergin, assumono oggi un significato particolarmente sinistro, alla luce delle perquisizioni e degli arresti di decine di giornalisti e media liberi kurdi in Turchia martedì

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Post Views: 7 E’ salito a 46 il numero dei giornalisti e operatori dell’informazione arrestati negli ultimi due giorni in Turchia. Una serie di perquisizioni compiute martedì mattina presso le redazioni di varie città di giornali kurdi e di sinistra

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France to discuss genocide bill today 0


Post Views: 11 Tension sky-high between France and Turkey over genocide bill Tension between Turkey and France is sky-high as the French parliament will start discussion today of a bill that would punish denial of any genocides recognized by French

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Fighting one per cent wars 0


Post Views: 8 An American fact is the 99 per cent are far too remote from the wars of choice and those who fight them, argues author US soliders are the 1 per cent subjected by Washington to endless tours of

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Baghdad bomb attacks leave scores dead and hundreds injured 0


Post Views: 6 At least 60 dead after series of coordinated attacks rock the city days after US forces leave the country A wave of at least 14 bombings ripped across Baghdad on Thursday morning, killing at least 60 people

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Rajoy da la coordinación de todo el poder a Sáenz de Santamaría 0


Post Views: 5 Nombra secretarios de Estado y otros cargos, asume el CNI y diseñó la estructura del nuevo Ejecutivo Carlos E. Cué Presidencia y portavoz del Gobierno, Soraya Sáenz de santamaría. / Ballesteros (EFE) El propio Mariano Rajoy acudió, como

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Iraq: The New Regional Broker? 0


Post Views: 6 A member of the Iraqi Army waves an Iraqi flag after a ceremony signing over Camp Adder, the last United States base in the country, to the Iraqi Air Force near Nasiriyah 16 December 2011. (Photo: REUTERS

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