Convicting Bradley Manning 0


Post Views: 11 Implications for WikiLeaks and Whistleblowers “[I]t is the duty of all persons in the service of the United States, as well as all other the inhabitants thereof, to give the earliest information to Congress or other proper

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Egipto: menos democracia, menos revolución, menos laicismo 0


Post Views: 5 Bora S. Kamel El autor, arabista y experto en Oriente Próximo, analiza la vuelta atrás en la revolución egipcia y a quiénes beneficia el reciente golpe de Estado. Aceptando el principio de que el proceso desencadenado en

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Culpable en el mundo del revés 0


Post Views: 4 Bradley Manning La jueza del tribunal militar absolvió a Bradley Manning de la acusación más grave, “ayudar al enemigo”, pero lo halló culpable de infracción al Acta de Espionaje, en cargos múltiples. Los cargos podrían conllevar una

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China y Venezuela en la era post-Chávez 0


Post Views: 7 Son bien conocidos los vínculos entre China y Venezuela (1), desarrollados con gran intensidad durante el mandato de Hugo Chávez (1998-2012). Tras las elecciones venezolanas del 14 de abril último, asistimos a la exploración de un nuevo

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Profiting off war: A look into the world of Israeli arms dealing 0


Post Views: 8 War in Israel has become a constant source of profit, with the West Bank and Gaza Strip used as experimental sites for arms dealers backed up by intellectuals. These are the protagonists of ‘The Lab,’ a new

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Living in a One-Superpower World (or Edward Snowden vs. Robert Seldon Lady) 0


Post Views: 14 He came and he went: that was the joke that circulated in 1979 when 70-year-old former Vice President Nelson Rockefeller had a heart attack and died in his Manhattan townhouse in the presence of his evening-gown-clad 25-year-old

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Cumbre de Movimientos Sociales de la ALBA 0


Post Views: 6 Declaración de Guayaquil Nosotros, Movimientos Sociales de América Latina y El Caribe, reunidos en Guayaquil, Ecuador,el 29 y 30 de julio de 2013, para celebrar la Cumbre de Movimientos Sociales de la ALBA, con el desafío deprofundizar

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Israelis and Palestinians open talks 0


Post Views: 5 Direct talks to set out framework for negotiations resume for first time in three years, as US hosts both parties. Israelis and Palestinians have resumed direct talks for the first time in three years, with the United

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In Defense of Hezbollah, a “Terrorist” Organization 0


Post Views: 6 Arab liberals and GCC-sponsored ‘intellectuals’ and media pundits could not contain their delight this past week as they all went into jubilant throes of rapture over the EU’s acquiescence to American pressure to black-list the Lebanese Resistance

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China: US Should Insist on Rights Benchmarks in Talks 0


Post Views: 6   U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (right) speaks next to Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang during the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue at the State Department in Washington on July 10, 2013. © 2013 Reuters Make

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