KCK Calls For Mobilization Before Elections


ANF * – Behdinan 04.02.2014 09:29:55

The Co-Presidency of KCK Executive Committee has called for people to mobilize before the upcoming Turkish local elections next month, drawing attention to the critical juncture at which the peace process now stands and declaring that the election was an opportunity for genuine progress.

Local elections are scheduled for March, 30th 2014 and will take place throughout Turkey. According to the KCK’s written statement, “Turkey, together with developments in the region, is passing through an important and critical juncture. It would not be wrong to assess the current situation as chaotic. Danger comes together with opportunity.”

The Elections Are Most Meaningful For Kurdistan

The KCK also stated that the election carried special importance for Kurds and Kurdistan, declaring “there is a possibility, together with the struggle and the will of the revolutionary-democratic-left and socialist forces within Kurdistan and Turkey, to turn the current situation into a chance for real freedom for our peoples and the complete democratization of Turkey. In this sense is the election cycle that we are now in important. The election carries even more importance for our people and for Kurdistan. The result of an election in which the will of the people comes through forcefully would be open to the construction of a system of democratic autonomy and local government in Kurdistan. For this reason it is necessary that all patriotic and revolutionary organizations, foundations, individuals, persons, tribes, ethnic and faith communities rally around our candidates and mobilize with all their power.”

The foundational measurement of success is to work tirelessly and selflessly

“Now the candidates are known, and the election campaign is officially underway” continued the statement, “and therefore the period for debate is behind us. No personal expectation or problem should be held above the general interests of our people. The foundational measurement of patriotism is to work tirelessly and selflessly for the victory of our cleary chosen candidates. Because the success of the people of Kurdistan in the elections will serve a democratic-political solution to the Kurdish issue, the democratization of Turkey, and the freedom of Leader Apo. For this reason the foundational measure of the success of our entire people will be to go ahead with this consciousness, reaching people that until today have not been reached, holding one-on-one meetings, and ceaselessly working day and night.”

Condolences to Baydemir

Seperately, the KCK statement offered condolences to Osman Baydemir, the Mayor of the Greater Diyarbakir Municipality. The statement read as follows: “We learned of the death of the Aziz Baydemir, the brother of Mr. Osman Baydemir – the Mayor of Diyarbakir and the Candidate for Mayor of Urfa  – with great sadness. We share the pain of Mr. Baydemir and his family, we send our wishes of condolence, and we wish all of his loved ones patience and strength.”

* Translation by The Rojava Report

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