‘War on terror’ set to surpass cost of Second World War 0


Post Views: 8 The total cost to America of its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, plus the related military operations in Pakistan, is set to exceed $4 trillion – more than three times the sum so far authorised by Congress

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Los últimos “indignados” abandonan la Plaza Catalunya tras el ultimátum policial 0


Post Views: 2 PROTESTASLos últimos “indignados” que permanecían acampados en la Plaza Catalunya de Barcelona han abandonado el lugar, después de que los Mossos d’Esquadra y la Guardia Urbana de Barcelona les dieran un ultimátum.   Un “indignado” se lleva

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Post Views: 5 Un inspector reconoce que la detención de Rafa Díez no estaba prevista Uno de los policías que declara hoy en el juicio por el “caso Bateragune” ha admitido que el nombre de Rafa Díez no figuraba en

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Los 90 años del Partido Comunista Chino 0


Post Views: 8 Xulio Ríos Rebelión El Partido Comunista de China (PCCh) ha convertido la celebración de su 90 aniversario (1921-2011) en un ejercicio de propaganda que inunda toda China. Películas, series de televisión, musicales, canciones “rojas”, conjuntos ornamentales por

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Esclavos en Europa 0


Post Views: 6 Ignacio RamonetLe Monde Diplomatique Dos siglos después de la abolición de la esclavitud, regresa una práctica abominable: la trata de personas. La Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) estima que 12,3 millones de personas en el mundo se

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PM to opposition: Parliament to keep working despite boycott 0


Post Views: 12 TODAYSZAMAN Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an on Thursday challenged Turkey’s main opposition party and the pro-Kurdish bloc, which have so far refused to take their parliamentary oaths in protest of the imprisonment

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Greek parliament passes key austerity bill 0


Post Views: 10 ATHENS Greece’s lawmakers approved a key austerity bill Wednesday, paving the way for the country to get its next vital bailout loans that will prevent it from defaulting on its debts next month.The unpopular 28 billion euro

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PM Erdo?an receives mandate to form new government 0


Post Views: 6 TODAYSZAMAN Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an on Wednesday received a mandate from President Abdullah Gül to form the new government as the chairman of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), which

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On writing and revolution 0


Post Views: 7 An interview with Mohamed Salah al-Azab Chris Stone [Mohamed Salah Al-Azab, image from Chris Stone] Chris Stone met with the writer Mohamed Salah al-Azab in Cairo on May 30, 2011, and the Arabic text can be found

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Postcards from the Yemen Uprising 0


Post Views: 13 by Mohamed Saleh Al Haj [Green Uprising: Plastic bottles used to construct a tent. The colors reflect the Yemeni Flag. Image by Mohamed Al Haj] [This series of images from Sana’a, Yemen was taken by Dr. Mohamed

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