Meeting the challenge of climate change


Climate change is one of the defining challenges facing our society today. The World Health Organisation expects around 250,000 deaths globally as a consequences of this and climate change

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Attentats à Paris: remarques à propos de la résolution 2249 du Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies


Dans le cas des attentats de Paris du 13 novembre, la qualification d´”acte de guerre” et d´”agression contre notre pays” par les autorités en France semble annoncer des temps difficiles pour certains principes de base du droit international

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Francia en guerra: breves apuntes desde la perspectiva del derecho internacional


El pasado 16 de noviembre las máximas autoridades francesas declararon que Francia se encuentra en guerra

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The third and youngest of Karl Marx ’ daughter


We spoke with author Rachel Holmes who recently published an interesting and gripping biography of Eleanor Marx (Eleanor Marx, Bloomsbury)

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Paris, place de la République, le lendemain


Paris, place de la République, le jour après le massacre

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La guerre de Paris


Les images de Mauro Guglielminotti le jour après les attentats Isis à Paris

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Parigi. I due immondi fratelli siamesi


Quello che occorre chiedersi non è a chi giova, ma capire invece a chi nuoce l’odio che è stato seminato stanotte a Parigi

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Acuerdo bilateral de inversiones entre China y Costa Rica aprobado en primer debate: breves apuntes


El 27 de octubre se aprobó por parte de la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica el “Acuerdo Bilateral para la Promoción y Protección de Inversiones” entre Costa Rica y China

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Women’s Declaration Calling for Global Drug Policies that Support Women, Children, and Families


On the occasion of the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on Drugs, organizations from around the world working toward gender equality call on the international community to end punitive drug policies that threaten the rights, health, and wellbeing of women, children, and families

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