The situation in Afrin is now critical. The city, full of Kurdish civilians and refugees from across Syria, some 850,000 people, is now surrounded by Turkey and its ISIS/Al-Qaeda proxy forces. The only road out has been bombed. The Turkish-sponsored jihadists are preparing to massacre the ‘infidel’ Kurds.
Last night in [the British] parliament MPs discussed how to avoid civilian casualties in Afrin but the government refused to accept the illegality and illegitimacy of the invasion. The previously peaceful, untouched Afrin, one of the most beautiful parts of northern Syria, has been reduced to rubble by NATO-Turkey warplanes.
Emergency demos continue across the world in support of Afrin. Today at 12pm there will be a demo in London outside the Russian Embassy, Kensington Palace Gardens, W8 4QP.
Please check our Facebook and Twitter pages for updates including new demos being called.
As Afrin prepares itself for a massacre, we must do all we can to speak out for its people at this critical moment. Please, help us break the silence.
Kurdistan Solidarity Campaign
Rebelles de l’Armée syrienne libre lors de l’offensive d’Afrine contre les Kurdes des YPG, 25 janvier 2018.
By Qasioun News Agency (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHDKbdn7ySQ) [CC BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
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