Tag "Kurdistan"

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Turquía. “El gobierno dejó abandonada a la gente”


Ilke Bereketli es la responsable de relaciones internacionales del Partido de los Trabajadores de Turquía (TIP), y coordinadora de la mesa de crisis establecida por ese partido tras del terremoto que arrasó el sur este de Turquía y Siria el pasado 6 febrero

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La cárcel de Imrali es un laboratorio de represión


Newroz Uysal, abogada de Abdullah Öcalan, ha sido la ultima a ver el líder kurdo en 2019

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Sabri Ok: En Kurdistán se cometen crimines de guerra y contra la humanidad


Entrevista con unos de los fundadores del movimiento de liberación kurdo. Es uno de los primeros cuadros fundadores del movimiento de liberación kurdo. Durante 23 años estuvo encarcelado en prisiones turcas, siendo responsable del colectivo de presos políticos

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Kurdish rapper refuses to do his military service


“I do not want to support the war policy of the rulers who promote militarism in order to maintain their existence,” said Kurdish rapper Gewr from Siirt refusing to join the military service.

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The State was preparing the end of the soldiers in PKK captivity


Some of the soldiers and policemen killed in the Turkish airstrike on Gare warned back in 2018 that the Turkish state was disregarding their lives and putting them in danger.

The Turkish army bombed a detention center in Gare that held soldiers, police officers and MIT agents captured by the guerrillas, killing thirteen of the inmates.

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Turkish state official admits Paris murders


The former head of the General Staff’s intelligence department, Ismail Hakkı Pekin, admitted in a television broadcast that the murders of the three Kurdish women revolutionaries in Paris in 2013 were a state operation.

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For Abdullah Öcalan! For the Kurdish Freedom Struggle!


February 15 marks the 22nd year since the leader of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), Abdullah Öcalan was violently abducted by Turkish commandos while seeking refuge from the Greek Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya

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KCK: We will liberate our Leader and Kurdistan this year


KCK called on the youth, the women, and the whole Kurdish people to step up their struggle to achieve the freedom of Abdullah Öcalan and a free Kurdistan.

February 15 marks the 22nd anniversary of the abduction of Abdullah Öcalan from the Greek embassy in Nairobi to solitary confinement on Imrali. In addition to Turkey, international powers such as the United States and its allies were directly involved in the PKK leader’s abduction.

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Beştaş: AKP has reached a level denying the existence of the Kurds


An indictment in relation to Kobane with demand for over ten thousand years of prison sentences has been prepared against 108 people including politicians following the decision of the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights demanding Turkey to release Selahattin Demirtas, former co-chair of the People’s Democratic Party (HDP) .

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