Kurdish prisoner is dying in Iranian jail


Kurdish prisoner Metin Ercan who has cut off his tongue to protest the torture he was subjected is reported to be in critical condition. Ercan who faces death risk suffered massive bleeding twice and his legs are paralysed.
35-year old Metin Ercan, a Turkish national Kurd was arrested in Iran in 2005 on account of being a member of the PKK. After a controversial 2-day of trial he was sentenced to 10-year imprisonment and sent to notorious Evin prison in Tehran. Ercan has cut his tongue off in order to protest the torture and inhumane treatment he was subjected to by the Iranian authorities.
Metin Ercan suffered cerebral haemorrhage on 17 Nisan 2009 and some parts of his body have lost their function. Despite the calls from human rights organisations Ercan is deprived of medical care.
His brother Zeki Ercan said he went to Iran four times in order to visit his brother and Metin faces torture regularly and mostly kept in solitary confinement. “He does not receive any treatment and he is on the edge of death” added Zeki Ercan.
Zeki Ercan further stated that he was also threatened by the Iranian security forces not to stay in Iran.

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