Univeristy threatens kurdish students


  180 Kurdish students are threatened shortly before their examination with a disciplinary action which could mean expulsion from the University. A letter written in Arabic from university authorities has reached the Society for Threatened Peoples (GfbV) with a list of the names and faculties of the students who have been instructed to present themselves at the so-called “Disciplinary Committee”, which can recommend expulsion from the university. These young people are accused of causing disturbances. The GfbV fears that the students will be prevented from taking their final examinations because they belong to the Kurdish ethnic group. The human rights organisation has written to the embassies of the EU countries in Damascus with the request that they protest against the discrimination of the Kurdish students.

“The Syrian authorities constantly prevent members of the suppressed Kurdish ethnic group from qualifying for better-paid jobs and professions”, says the letter from the GfbV chair, Tilman Zülch. The approximately two million Kurds in Syria, which make up the majority of the population in three regions on the Syrian-Turkish border, are subject to discrimination and suppression. They are denied rights of culture and language. In the course of the policy of Arabisation of 1962, Syrian citizenship was withdrawn from some 120,000 Kurds. Together with their descendents, who likewise have no rights, their number has grown to about 300,000. The GfbV calls for the reinstatement of citizenship for these stateless people in their own country.


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Kurds against wall of shame


The ruling AKP government has sped up the building of the unlawful wall between Mardin’s Nusaybin district and the Qamishlo city in West Kurdistan. The construction companies building the wall are kept secret and the municipality of Nusaybin is provided with no information about the wall being built.

Speaking to ANF about the ‘wall of shame’, mayor of Nusaybin Ay?e Gökkan remarked that the wall is being built at a time when the Kurdish people expect the government to remove wire fences and demine the border region.

Calling attention to the refusal of such walls across the world, Gökkan reminded of the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdo?an’s ‘wall of shame’ comment for the wall Israel built between Gaza and West Bank.



Torino. “Volevamo le fabbriche vuote e le piazze piene e ci siamo riusciti”.  Giorgio Airaudo, responsabile auto della FIOM (il

See you on the Falls Road on Sunday – Easter 1916 Centenary


In 1966 Nelson’s Pillar was blown up in O’Connell Street in Dublin. It was a hugely symbolic and largely popular act

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