
GARA. Nelle peggiori condizioni, quando ha ricevuto i colpi più forti, la sinistra indipendentista a risposto al Governo spagnolo con la massima “tanta più repressione, tanta più iniziativa politica” e così ha tracciato il suo cammino fino ad ora. Afredo Perez Rubalcaba ha fatto la sua propria lettura di questo ed ha optato per un dei giochi di parole che tanto gli piacciono. Il suo slogan adesso è “tanta più iniziativa politica, tanta più repressione”.

Nessun osservatore oggettivo – e ancor più se proviene da una cultura democratica consolidata – può comprendere che quando la sinistra indipendentista ha appena finito di fare una scommessa politica profonda ed ha deciso che tutta la sua strategia deve basarsi sulle vie democratiche e politiche e che tutte le sue forme di attuazione devono incamminarsi nella attivazione popolare e l’accumulazione di forze, l’unica risposta che sovviene al Governo spagnolo sia restringere le condizioni per le quali questo settore politico potrebbe accedere al lavoro istituzionale.

Questo nuovo giro di vite è la continuazione della retata del 13 ottobre scorso, quando con l’arresto di Arnaldo Otegi, Rafa Díez, Miren Zabaleta, Sonia Jacinto y Arkaitz Rodríguez, il Governo Zapatero cercò di abortire il dibattito della sinistra indipendentista. Voleva che l’indipendentismo non potesse fare questo salto strategico che minacciava lo status quo che vuole mantenere Madrid. Quella iniziativa gli riuscì male e quella attuale non sembra che vada meglio.

Rubalcaba pretende sabotare la vita interna della sinistra indipendentista per farla desistere dal cammino deciso dalla maggioranza e poter così mantenere una situazione nella quale si trova comodo lo Stato. E, in definitiva, se non lo consegue, al meno mettersi la medaglia per essere quello che è riuscito a fare quanto non è altro che una conseguenza logica della decisione unilaterale dell’ indipendentismo. Questa volta, l’uomo che ha fama di astuto Machiavelli arriva tardi e male. Tardi perché la sinistra indipendentista, alla quale è riferita esplicitamente questa riforma legislativa, ha già tolto gli ormeggi ed è partita per tracciare la sua rotta sulla mappa tracciata dalla sua base sociale. Per tanto, le minacce ministeriali non gli faranno cambiare rotta. Ma c’è di più. Se il viaggio arriverà a buon porto come ci si attende, questa recrudescenza legale risulterà essere inutile e provocherà disgusto al ministro del manganello ed ai suoi.

Però Rubalcaba arriva anche male. Perché la sequenza  degli avvenimenti degli ultimi giorni che arrivano fino all’annuncio di questo giro di vite  legislativo, fanno vedere che è il Partido Popular, ed in concreto il suo settore più ultras guidato da Mayor Oreja, quello che detta la strategia contro al sinistra indipendentista, che viene poi seguita, come un agnello complessato, dal Governo di José Luis Zapatero. Quanto tempo, carta, energia e denaro che spendono per niente.

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In search of the Commonwealth

Antonio Negri

1. Empire and Multitude raised many problems and questions: it was pointless to define these again in Commonwealth, and of no use to try to solve them. Rather, it was better to begin anew and, on the basis of the concepts we had developed, dwell on the question of what the political is today. What is subversive politics? What partage of the social does it involve? How can capital be fought today? By moving on from the debates around those books, we are convinced we can confront the unsolved problems with renewed strength. But after ten years of work on Empire and Multitude, when sat down to write Commonwealth, our convictions had strengthened and our perceptions matured: contemporaneity had been re-defined, and the time when the prefix post- could define the present was over. We had certainly experienced a transition, but what were the symptoms of its end?

In particular, our impression was that the concept of democracy was being re-evaluated. During the War on Terror, this concept had been worn out by the frenzied propaganda of the neo-conservatives, and political science had witnessed the emergence of issues that could no longer be comprehended with the concept of democracy. To simplify, we refer to what Rosavallon tries to grasp and qualify in his latest book (La contre-démocratie. La politique à l’âge de la défiance), when he states: ‘the republic and the comportments of modern populations have left something profound behind that cannot be found again, something obscure that can no longer be explained’. In this way Rosavallon tries to define sentiments of mistrust and impotence, those figures of de-politicisation that arise out of contemporary democracy. And almost against his own wishes, he adds that ‘political democracy’ has become the name for the consolidation of a ‘mixed regime’ that includes counter-democracy, a ‘democracy of exception’.

Belfast Mayor: Everybody must contribute to a peace with justice


Donostia. Sinn Fein mayor of Belfast, Máirtín Ó Muilleoir, opened on Thursday the international conference “Building Peace Starting at Local Level” organised in Donostia/San Sebastian (Basque Country) by the Donostia city council.

How municipalities can turn peace and reconciliation work into something genuinely lasting?

We must build peace with justice, and that’s a job for everyone. Sometimes big governments talk of peace, but they actually work very little for it. So you have to work for peace with the people, the communities, cities, nations. In Belfast I believe we are all connected .

You said at the opening of the Donostia’s conference that your Belfast has changed a lot after the Good Friday agreement of 1998. How?

Fifteen years have passed. The first time I walked in the Belfast City Council as a councillor it was in 1987, and back then peace was a project. The big change since the 1994 IRA permanent ceasefire is that now in our city there is no more war. The end of the years of conflict has brought many benefits and some of them are related to the 1998 peace agreement. Now we have a government that is just and in which all parties are represented. Peace itself is rewarding, but sometimes it presents many challenges. It has brought improvements in labor, industry, tourism … this is a great reward for those who support the peace process, but I think there is work which still needs to be done and to be consolidated.

The clash between two communities was much harder in Ireland than in the Basque Country, for example. How do you transform all that negative energy into a positive one?

Although the intensity of the conflict was greater, the Basque Country’s conflict is also a great shadow for Europe. There have been many years of political conflict here, many people lost their lives. I think we should be positive all the time and always see the glass half full if we want peace to win. But peace requires progress, and I know the great difficulties there are in Euskal Herria. However, those who believe in peace achieved democratically, rather than violence, will be rewarded. In Belfast we follow that path to political change and get more benefits for our people. Time will help peace prosper, and even if a political segment is against peace, I think we will find more and more people interested in this cause.

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