Sinn Féin oppose visit by English Queen – Events List


Sinn Féin is opposed to this visit by the queen of England.  The party believes it is premature and will cause great offence to many Irish citizens, particularly to those who have lost loved ones at the hands of the British state forces in Ireland.

During Elizabeth Windsor’s 60 year reign almost 400 Irish people have been killed in Ireland by the forces of which she is Commander and Chief – this figure does not include the many Irish people killed as a result of collusion between her forces and loyalist death squads.

The timing of this visit, on the anniversary of the Dublin and Monaghan bombings is particularly insensitive. It is widely believed that this attack, involving the greatest loss of life of any incident in the conflict, was carried out with the involvement of British military intelligence. To date no files on this atrocity have been released by the British authorities.

This visit is being presented as a signal that we are leaving the past behind us. But the British monarchy is all about the past.

Elizabeth Windsor still claims to be monarch of part of our country, where it remains a criminal offence to call for the abolition of the monarchy, under the Treason Felony Act 1848. The values she represents have no place in Ireland. Values of privilege, deference and inequality. Ridiculously outdated values that put one citizen and their family above all others based on nothing other than birthright.

Sinn Féin is also opposed to this visit on the grounds of the outrageous costs and inconvenience associated with it. It is estimated that this visit will cost the Irish taxpayer – already over burdened with the bank bailout and the disastrous IMF/EU deal – €25 million. This is money we cannot afford. Dublin City centre and areas where she will visit will effectively become no-go areas as people will be prevented from going about their daily business.

We are living in changed and changing times and we are working towards the normalisation of relationships between the people of these two islands based upon mutual respect and equality.  But it is incorrect to suggest any such relationship currently exists and therefore it is premature to invite the English queen to this part of Ireland to be feted and celebrated.

We acknowledge some sections of Irish society may wish to celebrate this visit, including Unionist citizens.  That is their right, and Sinn Féin will respect their decision to do so.  However, we hope that section of our people will also understand and accept that many other Irish citizens are politically opposed to this visit, and will respect their democratic right to do so peacefully.

Sinn Féin supported events during week of visit:

Monday 16th: Banner relating to the Dublin and Monaghan bombings to be unveiled at Sinn Féin Bookshop at 58 Parnell Square. Sinn Féin TDs will be in attendance to talk to media.

Tuesday 17th: Sinn Féin activists and supporters are encouraged to attend wreath laying ceremony organised by the Justice for the Forgotten group at the Talbot Street Dublin/Monaghan bombings memorial at 11.30am.

Tuesday 17th: To coincide with Elizabeth Windsors visit to the Garden of Remembrance Sinn Féin will be releasing 1000 black balloons at four points in the city centre to mark highlight Britains brutal and bloody involvement in Irish affairs.

Tuesday evening: Sinn Féin Private Members Motion in the Dáil on the Dublin and Monaghan Bombings.  There will be a Sinn Féin organised vigil in support of the initiative outside the Dáil at 8pm.

Wednesday 18th: Sinn Féin candlelight vigil at 8pm at the Famine Monument opposite the IFSC at the Liffey wall.

Wednesday night: Debate on Dublin and Monaghan bombings motion concludes in the Dáil.

Thursday 19th: As the visit coincides with the 30th Anniversary of the deaths of several hunger strikers there will be an Evening of Remembrance in the Teachers Club, Parnell Square at 9pm. (Taile €5)

Friday 20th: Unveiling of banner in Cashel – “Not in our name”

Friday 20th: Celebration of Republicanism on Sullivans Quay, Cork City from 11am-3pm.

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