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South Carolina: End Segregation of HIV-infected Prisoners 0


Post Views: 4 ·Justice Department Warns State About Discriminatory, Inadequate Treatment(New York) – South Carolina should stop segregating HIV-positive prisoners from the rest of the prison population, a policy that promotes stigma and discrimination, Human Rights Watch said today. The

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Fears grow for Kurdish man held in Syrian custody 0


Post Views: 5 Amnesty International is urging the Syrian authorities to release or charge a Kurdish man who has been detained for almost two years. Reports from exiled Kurdish activists have raised fears that ‘Abdelbaqi Khalaf has been tortured at

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US: Protect Families in Deportation Cases 0


Post Views: 9 An undocumented immigrant is escorted at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement holding facility before being deported in Phoenix on May 6, 2010. © 2010 Reuters (Washington DC) – The ruling by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

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Banned, Censored, Harassed, and Jailed 0


Post Views: 7 Hellman/Hammett Grants Honor 42 Writers for Courage Facing Political Persecution (New York) – Human Rights Watch announced Hellman/Hammett grants today for 42 writers from 20 countries in recognition of their commitment to free expression and courage in

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Pre-election attacks on Rwandan politicians and journalists condemned 0


Post Views: 5   Paul Kagame, President and leader of the Rwandan Patriotic Front © APGraphicsBank Amnesty International has condemned attacks on politicians and journalists in the run-up to the presidential election on August 9 and calls on the government

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Colombia’s new government must guarantee an independent justice system 0


Post Views: 9 Juan Manuel Santos won a landslide victory in a second round of elections © APGraphicsBank Colombia’s new government must ensure the independence of the country’s justice system, allowing it to bring to justice those responsible for human

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Malukan activists at risk of torture in detention in Indonesia 0


Post Views: 7 Amnesty International has warned that 10 Malukan political activists detained by Indonesia’s special anti-terrorism police are facing a high risk of torture. Detachment 88 police officers, who have regularly been accused of involvement in torture, arrested the

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Serbian Roma families facing forced eviction 0


Post Views: 5 The families have not been offered any alternative accommodation or compensation © Regional Centre for Minorities Amnesty International has urged the Belgrade authorities to halt plans to destroy a Roma settlement amid fears that an eviction could

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Pakistani president’s UK visit must deliver human rights gains in Northwest 0


Post Views: 7 President Zardari urged to announce reforms in the northwest to fight human rights abuses © APGraphicsBank Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari should use his UK visit to announce reforms in the country’s northwest that will help combat

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Israel: Halt Demolitions of Bedouin Homes in Negev 0


Post Views: 12  Israeli police restrain a Bedouin resident while demolishing al-Araqib village in Israel’s Negev region in an early morning raid on July 27, 2010. © 2010 Pre-Dawn Raid Destroys Entire Village (Jerusalem) – The Israeli government should

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