Tag "Colombian Peace Process"

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Paramilitary group carries out massacre in Colombia: 8 dead 0


Colombia’s Peasant Association of Catatumbo (ASCAMCAT) denounced the murder of at least eight of its members by the narco-paramilitary group “Los Rastrojos”

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Colombian Military Espionage: An Attack on Post-Conflict Reformers and the Free Press 0


The Colombian weekly news magazine Semana revealed that Colombian military intelligence units carried out illicit surveillance on more than 130 individuals between February and December 2019.  Among those targeted were human rights defenders, Colombian and international journalists, politicians, labor leaders

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La derecha sigue siendo muy fuerte en Colombia


Post Views: 10 Muchos coinciden con la opinión de que el partido de gobierno sufrió una derrota contundente en las elecciones del domingo 27, concluyendo que no es cierto que el país se encuentre en manos de la derecha, como

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Former FARC Peace negotiator Ivan Marquez: We take up arms again!


A 32 minutes video, released on You Tube, in which Márquez explained the reasons for the decision

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Extrajudicial Killing Dims Hopes for Colombia’s Demobilized FARC


Dimar Torres, a demobilized member of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), was shot just outside of Campo Alegre

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Colombia: Veto Could Undermine Accountability


Colombian President Iván Duque’s partial veto of a transitional justice bill could undermine and delay progress toward justice for wartime atrocities

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Colombia: New Army Commanders Linked to Killings


The Colombian government has appointed at least nine officers credibly implicated in extrajudicial executions and other abuses to key positions of the army

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Colombia – UN Security Council optimistic despite sustained campaign of assassination


The recent peace agreement with the FARC seeking to end a conflict ongoing since at least the 60’s that has left an estimated 260,000 people dead and over 60,000 missing was signed off by former President Juan Manuel Santos

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As Colombia’s peace process falters, scores of social activists are being killed


Colombia, one of the most dangerous nations for human rights activists, has attempted to halt its 50-year armed conflict through a complex peace process that began in 2012

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 Gustavo Petro, Colombian Former Guerilla & Leftist Who Mounted Historic Campaign for Presidency


Democracy Now! spoke to Gustavo Petro, who placed second in this year’s presidential race, receiving 8 million votes in his attempt to become Colombia’s first leftist president

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