Tag "Usa"

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KURDISH, Armenian, and Christian groups have warned that legislation signed as one of the last acts of the outgoing Trump administration gives Turkey the green light to continue “cultural genocide” against the country’s minorities.


Post Views: 14 In what has been described as a disastrous last minute move, the US signed a bilateral US-Turkey Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) granting Turkey legal rights over the religious and cultural heritage of all indigenous people and minorities.

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Sallux says Europe, US, Canada should stop defending Turkey


Post Views: 14 Director of Sallux Johannes de Jong suggested that NATO member States say that Turkey can no longer count on protection based on Article 5 of the NATO Treaty until it changes its behaviour.

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SDF: The United States must fulfill its mandate as guarantor


Post Views: 7 The SDF General Command issued a statement to reiterate that the Turkish state, its army, and its armed factions did not abide by the ceasefire they agreed with the United States of America and in consultation with SDF

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Syrian Democratic Forces: “To the Public Opinion”


The White House’s decision to withdraw from northern and eastern Syria will negatively affect the campaign against terrorism of ISIS

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United States: Medicare-for-All takes on “Trumpcare”


For First Time Ever, Majority of House Dems Support ‘Medicare-for-All’ Bill

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Irish America and the Peace Process


Part of Sinn Féin’s success in the USA has been our ability to draw support from both Democrats and Republicans. We have very deliberately stayed out of domestic US politics and elections

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Obama silent as Adams blasts White House insult


Post Views: 17 No comment so far by the White House after an extraordinary insult to Gerry Adams drew stinging criticism from the Sinn Fein party leader and stunned Irish-American political leaders. Mr Adams hit out after being stopped from

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Tariq Aziz dies


Post Views: 248 Tariq Aziz, known as the face of Saddam Hussein’s regime on the world stage for many years, has died in an Iraqi hospital, officials say according to the BBC. Aziz, 79, served as foreign minister and deputy

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Eurozone QE Re-Ignites Global Currency Wars 0


An Inter-Capitalist Fight. On January 22, 2015, European Central Bank chairman, Mario Draghi, planted a bomb in global financial markets

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