Obama Walks Fine Political Line on Terror Threat 0


Post Views: 23 President Obama spoke Friday about the discovery of explosives on planes bound for the United States.By HELENE COOPER and PETER BAKER WASHINGTON — Trying to manage a terrorism threat in the middle of an election campaign, the

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Poised to Lead Brazil and Facing Unfinished Tasks 0


Post Views: 14 By ALEXEI BARRIONUEVO SÃO PAULO, Brazil — From the moment their political paths crossed, Dilma Rousseff began solving problems for President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. Ricardo Moraes/Reuters Dilma Rousseff on Wednesday in Brasília. She will face

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Polls open in Cote d’Ivoire 0


Post Views: 5 Many Ivorians hope presidential election will usher in new era of peace and prosperity, but fear of violence also brews.   President Laurent Gbagbo, who is running for re-election, has been in office since 2000 [Reuters] Residents

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Who’s Afraid of the Ruler of the Silk Road? 0


Post Views: 5 Appeasing the Uzbek DictatorBy Erich Follath and Christian Neef  REUTERS Uzbekistan is both a nation of terror led by brutal dictator Islam Karimov and a partner of the West that is an important staging ground for NATO’s war

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More than a soldier: the case of non-soldiers within the military 0


Post Views: 32 FATMA DI?LI ZIBAK  ?STANBUL At a time when there is ongoing debate about the duration of compulsory military service in Turkey, a report was uncovered this week which revealed that a significant number of privates doing compulsory

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EA dice a Zapatero que ya no tiene excusas para vetar a la izquierda abertzale 0


Post Views: 9 MOVIMIENTOS POLÍTICOS EN EUSKAL HERRIAEl secretario general de EA, Pello Urizar, ha opinado que “ya no existen excusas” para que la izquierda abertzale pueda concurrir en las elecciones y ha reclamado al Gobierno español que le dé

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Miles de personas reclaman en Donostia compromisos claros para erradicar la tortura 0


Post Views: 21 Miles de personas han secundado la manifestación que ha tenido lugar esta tarde en Donostia para denunciar la “realidad oculta y silenciada” de la tortura y reclamar compromisos claros para su erradicación y para “desmontar todo el

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Will the Turkish government continues on its unilateral war?


Post Views: 12 The unilateral ceasefire declared by the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) is set to end tomorrow. The papers are all asking the same question: will the PKK extends the ceasefire ? It is clearly the wrong question to

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Movimientos políticos en Euskal Herria 0


Post Views: 20 Siempre acosados pero más vivos que nuncaEl Estado español nunca ha dejado de acosar al independentismo vasco. Antes de la ilegalización, desde su nacimiento, las expresiones políticas de la izquierda abertzale han sido perseguidas y sus militantes

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End to YouTube ban in sight after over 2 years 0


Post Views: 8 Popular video sharing website YouTube has been blocked in Turkey for two-and-a-half years, following a highly embarrassing lawsuit.   Although users can access the site through relatively simple steps, such as changing the DNS address or using

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