Chile: Entrevista al periodista Ernesto Carmona 0


Post Views: 14 “Es difícil que el gobierno se haga un harakiri ideológico” Juan Carlos Camaño Mapocho Press Ernesto Carmona, periodista y escritor chileno, es Secretario Ejecutivo de la Comisión de Investigación de Atentados a Periodistas, CIAP-FELAP. Cerca de su

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Mugitu! dice que buscaba “dañar” la imagen de Barcina 0


Post Views: 7 PROTESTA CONTRA EL TAVEl movimiento anti TAV ha criticado la “manipulación política” que se esconde tras la detención de dos activistas esta tarde y ha explicado que “los tartazos son una forma de protesta en todo el

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Euskal Memoria constata unas 1.300 muertes y prioriza la «no repetición» 0


Post Views: 5 ras la histórica declaración de ETA Euskal Memoria presentó hace ya un año un exhaustivo listado de víctimas de la represión estatal desde 1960, que a día de hoy incluye 475 muertos. Ayer volvió a salir a

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Bildu propone a López vías para implicarse en la solución 0


Post Views: 2 Tras la histórica declaración de ETA Rufi Etxeberria, Pello Urizar y Oskar Matute hicieron una valoración positiva de la cita ayer con el lehendakari, por lo que supone de normalización de relaciones. En la reunión le plantearon

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St Paul’s showdown: lawyers act to clear Occupy London camp 0


Post Views: 6 Police finalise plans to use force if necessary as chaplain becomes second cathedral cleric to resignRiazat Butt, Shiv Malik and Sandra LavilleLawyers will serve notice on activists camped out around St Paul’s Cathedral as early as Monday,

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Tunisian Elections: The Islamist Experiment 0


Post Views: 3 A Tunisian woman passes a wall covered with posters of candidates during last week’s campaign for electing the constitutional assembly. (Photo: AFP – Fethi Belaid)By: Nizar MaqniTunisians have elected a conservative-leaning constituent assembly dominated by the Islamist

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Tariq Ali: 21st Century Challenges of Revolt and Dissent 0


Post Views: 3 “All talks of democracy and human rights and freedom is forgotten when it comes to Saudi Arabia, that is a very clear position by the United States.” (Photo: AFP – Warren Allott) By: Firas Khatib Veteran historian,

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Occupy Wall Street: Eyes on the prize 0


Post Views: 12 Protesters need to build on the momentum they have gained and maintain a vital voice in the political system Danny Schechter Demonstrators associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement protest in Times Square,New York City, USA [EPA]

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BDP deputy Tu?luk: 120 thousand tents needed in Van 0


Post Views: 5 Going to the region after the earthquake, BDP MP for Van Aysel Tu?luk remarked that the situation is still serious in Erci? and some villages. “There is a need for at least 120 thousand tents. – she

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Irish people to vote for new president 0


Post Views: 7 Irish voters have begun to go to the polls this morning to elect the country’s ninth head of state.The campaign for the presidency has been beset by controversy with several of the seven candidates facing some controversy

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