Report says rampant sectarianism in North of Ireland’s jails 0


Post Views: 9 Catholics prisoners in the Six Counties are far more likely to be subjected to violence (or prison ‘discipline’) than their Protestant counterparts, a new report has revealed.Catholics outnumber Protestants in the North’s prisons by almost two to

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Turkish deputy prime minister urges release of jailed deputies 0


Post Views: 10 TODAYSZAMAN.COM Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Ar?nç The Turkish deputy prime minister has urged the release of jailed deputies who are currently under arrest on coup charges, claiming that recent court verdicts to release suspects should set

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Quake survivors desperate for tents as cold, snow descend 0


Post Views: 15 REUTERS ERC?? Survivors of a deadly earthquake in southeast Turkey scrambled for tents on Thursday, fearful that more people would die from exposure to plunging temperatures four days after the tremor killed at least 523. Some quake

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World population by country: UN guesses the shape of the world by 2100 0


Post Views: 13 What is the world’s population according to the latest UN estimates? See when it will hit 10 billion – and which countries are growing fastest Original report here A baby Photograph: Hans Strand/Getty By the end of

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El Nuevo cine en el mundo… del que ya no queda nada. Estados Generales para el Cine 0


Post Views: 8 Un artículo de Glaubert Rocha publicado el 30 de marzo de 1968 se titulaba así: El Nuevo cine en el mundo.En el analiza las características del cine que en ese momento estaba emergiendo como cine moderno: “es

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Exitosa presentación en Holguín del Ballet Nacional de Cuba 15aem-ballet-nacional-cuba2 0


Post Views: 77 El Ballet Nacional de Cuba (BNC) concluyó hoy dos exitosas presentaciones en el reconstruido teatro Comandante Eddy Suñol, de esta ciudad, que recibieron gran acogida del público.La afamada compañía, que dirige la prima ballerina assoluta Alicia Alonso,

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Berlusconi’s coalition on verge of collapse 0


Post Views: 4 Europe Threat of government collapse comes with Italy squeezed by eurozone partners over its $2.5 trillion debt pile Italy’s coalition government, led by Silvio Berlusconi, could fall over plans to raise the retirement age [AFP] Silvio Berlusconi, the

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Police arrest dozens of Oakland protesters 0


Post Views: 1 Americas At least 85 “occupy” protesters are picked up as police clear an encampment following a two-week standoff Around 370 people have been occupying Oakland’s  Frank Ogawa Plaza for the past two weeks  [Reuters] Oakland police say they

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El premio Nobel y el bloqueo contra Cuba 0


Post Views: 7 Alejandro González Galiano Público La Administración del presidente Obama, que ha pretendido impactar al mundo con un discurso de cambio y renovación de su política hacia Cuba, mantiene intacto el andamiaje de leyes y disposiciones que conforman

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Una revolución asistida por ordenador 0


Post Views: 5 René Traducido para Rebelión por Caty R.Se esperaba el final desde que el 19 de octubre de 2011, por sorpresa, Hillary Clinton aterrizó en Trípoli para declarar públicamente su deseo de que Gadafi fuera eliminado.El epílogo,

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