Erdo?an: Istanbul should be the center of the United Nations

Erdo?an: Istanbul should be the center of the United Nations


Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has said that Istanbul should be the center of the United Nations.

In a written statement on the 71st year of its foundation the Turkish President said:“We believe that Istanbul, with its ancient history, cultural richness, strategic location and natural beauties, will provide critical contributions to the U.N.’s mission and goals as a center of the organization”.

Repeating the phrase he often uses, Erdo?an said that “the world is bigger than five.”

After consistently increasing its contributions to the U.N. budget over recent years, Turkey has also been exerting strenuous efforts to turn Istanbul, which is located at the intersection of continents and civilizations, into a U.N. center, Erdo?an said, adding that Istanbul would accomplish the “U.N.’s mission and goals.”

“In line with our call that ‘the world is bigger than five,’ which I often stress, we will continue, on every platform, our support for a comprehensive reform of the U.N. that will ensure a fairer representation as well as a more democratic, transparent, effective and accountable functioning of the U.N. Security Council,” he said.

Noting Turkey had been “one of the staunchest advocates of the U.N. and the values it represents,” Erdo?an said the country “has assumed critical roles.”

“Turkey, which has been one of the staunchest advocates of the U.N. and the values it represents since the organization came into being, has assumed very critical roles on issues of vital importance such as the maintenance of global peace and security, mediation, development, humanitarian aid, environment, the alliance of civilizations and the like,” he said.

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