Tag "Turkish"

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The State was preparing the end of the soldiers in PKK captivity


Some of the soldiers and policemen killed in the Turkish airstrike on Gare warned back in 2018 that the Turkish state was disregarding their lives and putting them in danger.

The Turkish army bombed a detention center in Gare that held soldiers, police officers and MIT agents captured by the guerrillas, killing thirteen of the inmates.

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YPG on Kobane victory: We will continue to do everything to defend our people and our revolution


Post Views: 154 YPG vowed that they would keep up the struggle against all forms of attacks with determination and with the great spirit of resistance of Kobane and would continue to do “everything in our power to defend our

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Fatih Akin: Yilmaz Güney was a master of realist cinema


Today the great Kurdish director Yilmaz Güney will be 83. He died prematurely in 1984 in Paris, where he was exiled. In 1982 he had won the Cannes Festival with the masterpiece “Yol”

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Five SDF fighters laid to rest in Kobanê


Post Views: 9 Five Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters who fell martyr during the invasion attacks against Girê Spî and Serêkaniyê were buried in Kobanê. The five were Silêman Nebo (Siyamend Reqa), Ridwan Bozî (Zinar Kobanê), Osman Ehmed (Qehreman Partîzan),

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WAR ON AFRIN: The First Seven Days


Just over a week into the Turkish military assault on Rojava, conflicting reports give varying updates on the situation in the Afrin canton

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The “Historic Resistance”. Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Statement


Attacks by the invading Turkish state against Afrin and Northern Syria continue

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Erdo?an: Istanbul should be the center of the United Nations


Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has said that Istanbul should be the center of the United Nations

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ROJAVA! …Political upheaval…military conflict…social revolution…


In the 2 years since the Turkish military declared war on the Kurdish people in the south east of their country (in Northern Kurdistan) there has been little concerted protest from the ‘Left’

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Post Views: 78 Orhan Pamuk’s newest book hits bookstores on Tuesday. Turkish Nobel Prize-winner published his 10th novel. The new book is called “K?rm?z? Saçl? Kad?n” (The Red-Haired Woman) and so far it’s only out in Turkish. The book is

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