Syrian Democratic Forces: Statement to public opinion

Syrian Democratic Forces: Statement to public opinion


In the Name of the General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces and on behalf of all our allies who fought with us in the same trenches, we announce today the destruction of the so-called Islamic State Organization and the end of its ground control in its last pocket in Baguoz region.

Our regions were attacked in early 2014. These attacks were the bloodiest, the most brutal and most comprehensive. It is worth mentioning that the battle for Kobani became the symbol of the global resistance against terrorism and the turning point in the defeat of ISIS. Now, after five years of fighting, we stand here to declare the physical defeat of ISIS and the end of its public challenge against all human beings.

We are proud of what we have achieved as a result of our war against Daesh and al-Qaeda, which is the rescue of nearly 5 million people of all races in northeast Syria from the clutches of terrorism, as well as the liberation of 52 thousand square km of Syrian territory and the elimination of the threat of terrorism.

This victory was extremely expensive, as more than 11 thousand of our forces, leaders and fighters, were martyred as well as civilian victims who were the target of ISIS and more than 21 thousand fighters were seriously injured.

On this occasion we cannot but remember all those heroes as well as paying tribute to the memory of the martyrs and we wish the urgent recovery from their wounds; without their sacrifices, we would not have been granted this victory.

Likewise, we extend our deepest thanks and gratitude to all those who contributed to this war against terrorism, particularly the International Coalition against Daesh.

The main factor in the success of the Syrian democratic forces in its war against terrorism was its adoption of the democratic approach, the principles of the democratic nation, the freedom of women, the principles of coexistence and brotherhood of peoples, which brought together Kurd, Arab, Syriac, Assyrian, Turkoman, Chechen, Circassian and international fighters under the Syrian democratic forces flag.

Just as the Syrian democratic forces have helped people in the liberated areas to build their administrative and security institutions, they will also contribute to the stability of the regions so that these areas can rebuild their administrative and legislative councils through democratic and transparent elections.

In this context, we call on the central government in Damascus to choose the process of dialogue and begin the practical steps to reach a political solution based on the recognition of elected self-administrations in north-east of Syria and acceptance of the uniqueness of the Syrian democratic forces.

We also call on Turkey to stop interfering in Syrian internal affairs and to stop its constant threat to its security and to immediately exit from Syrian territory, especially Afrin, and to adopt dialogue as a way to resolve outstanding problems in the region based on mutual respect and good neighborly relations.

In conclusion, we affirm that our war against Daesh terrorism will continue until full victory is achieved with the total elimination of its existence. At the same time, we announce to world public opinion the beginning of a new phase in the fight against terrorism, and this through the continuation of stretegic military and security campaigns in coordination with the international coalition forces with the aim of completely eliminating the secret military presence of the ISIS organization’s sleeper cells, which are a great threat to our region and to the whole world.

General Command of the Syrian Democratic Forces


SDF Press

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