Tag "Isis"

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Foza Yusif: Turkey and ISIS fear the power of women


PYD co-presidency council member Foza Yusif said that the attacks of the brutal forces such as Turkey and ISIS cannot force women to take a step back from their will and the struggle for freedom.

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Turkish-ISIS Belt replaces Arab Belt


Post Views: 57 “The demographics of Syria’s most stable and secure lands is being changed by the joint plan of the UN (United Nations), USA, Russia and the European Union (EU), writes Ferda Çetin.

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YPG on Kobane victory: We will continue to do everything to defend our people and our revolution


Post Views: 154 YPG vowed that they would keep up the struggle against all forms of attacks with determination and with the great spirit of resistance of Kobane and would continue to do “everything in our power to defend our

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Is the Islamic State coming back?


Post Views: 22 In the past few days there have been a series of large-scale ISIS attacks in Syria. Is the Islamic State coming back?

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Second book about the liberation of Kobanê


The book “Kobanê Resistance Diary”, which tells about the legendary resistance of YPG and YPJ fighters against the genocidal attacks launched by ISIS gangs on September 13, 2014 with the support of the Turkish state, has been published.

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An interview with YPG/YPJ commander Meryem Kobane, on the anniversary of the Rojava Revolution – PART ONE 0


On the occasion of the 8th Year of the Rojava Revolution, we spoke with Meryem Kobane, one of the YPG/YPJ commanders who not only defended Kobane in 2015, inflicting a heavy defeat to ISIS, but who is also a leading figure in the Rojava Revolution

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ISIS women in al-Hol Camp say Turkey helps jihadists to escape 0


Some 68,000 people currently live in Camp-Hol, including 30,000 ISIS jihadists with their families

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Macer Gifford: “The Ordinary Man who went to War Against ISIS” 0


Macer Gifford (Kurdish name) is the former British currency trader who fought with the Kurdish YPG militia against the Islamic State. Gifford fought with the YPG in 2015 and in 2016

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Revuelta de los presos de ISIS en Rojava


Kino Gabriel, el portavoz de las Fuerzas Democráticas Sirias (SDF) ha anunciado por la tarde del lunes que el motín iniciado por la tarde del domingo en la cárcel de Heseke (en Rojava) donde se encuentran alrededor de 5000 presos del Estado Islámico

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Ilham Ahmad: The Turkish state carries out war crimes, Europe must take a stance


Post Views: 8 The president of the Executive Committee of the Syrian Democratic Council, Ilham Ahmed, told Reuters that the Turkish state is committing war crimes against the components of north and east of Syria, and it threatens the whole

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